dey, N. Fujikawa, R. Watanabe, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yamaguchi and S. Hayase
2013 [ ]

電気化学会第80回大会 東北大学川内キャンパス; 平成25年3月29日~31日
417. ぺロブスカイトを使った全固体色素増感太陽電池の特性評価
416. TCO-less色素増感太陽電池の高効率化に関する考察
415. QCM-Dを用いた色素吸着挙動の測定
414. 色素増感太陽電池のナノポア内における電解質の拡散挙動と電子輸送について
○川野美延,佐藤宏美,中屋敷創也,尾込裕平,Shyam Pandey S.,早瀬修二

第60 回応用物理学会春季学術講演会; 2013年3月27日-30日; 神奈川工科大学
413. 固体型PbS 量子ドット太陽電池における光電変換特性
○久家佑輝,尾込裕平,早瀬修二,豊田太郎,沈 青
412. TiO2上に吸着されたSb2S3の光励起キャリアダイナミクス
宮本真伍,福本貴文,丹羽勇介,前田直孝,片山健二,尾込祐平,早瀬修二, 沈 青 ○豊田太郎
411. SUS メッシュバックコンタクト電極をボトムセルに使用したタンデム型色素増感太陽電池
志岐 翼,○尾込裕平,Shyam S Pandey,早瀬修二
410. 集光型円筒形色素増感太陽電池
○野口 翔,宇佐川準,斉藤孝弘,古川裕明,尾込裕平,Shyam S Pandey,瀬川浩司,早瀬修二
409. 固体型ハイブリッド太陽電池における界面制御
久木原賢治,森田 専,塚本翔太,斉藤孝弘,木村将太,○尾込裕平,Shyam S Pandey,沈 青,吉野賢ニ,豊田太郎,早瀬修二
408. ZnO/dye/P3HT ハイブリッド太陽電池のナノ界面における電荷分離と再結合ダイナミクス
○沈 青,尾込裕平,Sandeep Das3,Shyam Pandey,吉野賢二,豊田太郎,早瀬修二.
407. CdSe 量子ドットを吸着したTiO2 ナノチューブ電極の光電変換特性
金 應旻,盛 由貴,尾込裕平,早瀬修二,豊田太郎,○沈 青
406. AZO 基板を用いたZnO ナノロッドの作製と太陽電池への応用
○盛由貴,Chunyan Luan,Zapien Juan,尾込裕平,早瀬修二,奥野剛史,豊田太郎,沈 青

日本化学会第93春季年会; 2013年3月22日(金)~25日(月) 立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス
405. 集光型円筒TCO-less 色素増感太陽電池
○野口翔・宇佐川準・斉藤孝弘・古川裕明・尾込裕平・PANDEY,Shyam Sudhir・瀬川浩司・早瀬修二
404. 水晶振動子を用いたカクテル色素吸着挙動の解析
○廣田良平・中屋敷創也・尾込裕平・PANDEY, Shyam Sudhir・ 早瀬修二
403. 色素増感太陽電池におけるナノ細孔内での電解質の拡散挙動と電子輸送について
○川野美延・佐藤宏美・中屋敷創也・尾込裕平・PANDEY, Shyam Sudhir・ 早瀬修二
Das K, Sandeep・久木原賢治・山下大樹・森田専・木村将太・塚本翔 太○尾込裕平・沈青・吉野賢二・PANDEY, Shyam Sudhir・早瀬修二
○藤川直耕・沈青・西村昭美・Shivashimpi, Gururaj. M.・尾込裕平・PANDEY, Shyam Sudhir・山口能弘・早瀬修二

2012 [45]

10th International Conference on Nanomolecular Electronics (ICNME-2012), December 12-14, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan.
400. Understanding the differential photovoltaic behavior of model squaraine dyes in the light of photophysical investigations
°Shyam S. Pandey1, Naotaka Fujikawa1, Rie Watanabe1, Yuhei Ogomi1, Shuzi Hayase1, Gustavo. de Miguel, Maria Jose Marchena, Abderrazzak Douhal;
399. Outdoor photovoltaic performance Cylindrical TCO-less dye-sensitized solar cells
°Jun Usagawa, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase
398. Investigation of relationship between diffusion for electrolyte in nanoporous TiO2 for Dye sensitized solar cells
°Minobu Kawano, Hiromi Sato, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase
397. Transparent conductive oxide-less dye-sensitized solar cells with back contact structure
Yuhei Ogomi1, Terumi Nishimura, Jun Usagawa, Takeshi Kogo, Shyam S. Pandey, °Shuzi Hayase

Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science (PRIME-2012), October 7-12, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
396. Designing the Far-red Sensitive Squaraine Dyes for the Dye Sensitized Solar cells in the light of Photo-physical Investigations
S. S. Pandey, R. Watanabe, Y. Ogomi, G. Miguel, M. Marchena, A Douhal and S. Hayase;

International Union of Materials Research Society-International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM-2012), Sept. 23-28, Yokohama, Japan.
395. Fullerene free sensitized bulk heterojunction solar cells using solution processable ZnO; Sandeep K Das*, Daisuke Yamashita, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Kenji Yoshino and Shuzi Hayase;
27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC-2012), September 24-27,Frankfurt, Germany
394. Design of far-red sensitizing dyes in the light of their fluorescence life-time for dye sensitized solar cells
Shyam S. Pandey, Ayumu Kishimoto, Yuhei Ogomi, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase
393. Transparent Conductive Oxide-Less Cylinder Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Flexible Structure; J.Usagawa, S.Pandey, K.?Ogomi, S.Hayase;

第73回 応用物理学会学術講演会; 平成24年9月11日(火)~14日(金), 愛媛大学
392. 浮遊薄膜転写法による配向β相ポリジオクチルフルオレン薄膜の作製
アルノ ダウエンドルファー,○永松秀一,高嶋 授,早瀬修二,金藤敬一
391. 有機無機ハイブリットヘテロ接合を有する光電変換素子
田中宏樹,山下大樹,塚本翔太,○尾込裕平,Shyam S Pandey,早瀬修二
390. 酸化亜鉛前駆体を使用したバルクヘテロ有機-無機太陽電池
山下大樹,K Das Sandeep,木村将太,森田 専,○尾込裕平,Pandey Shyam S,吉野賢二,早瀬修二.
389. 円筒型色素増感太陽電池の屋外発電特性
○宇佐川準,志岐 翼,古川裕明,野口 翔,尾込裕平,Shyam S. Pandey,早瀬修二
388. バックコンタクト電極をボトムセルに使用したタンデム型色素増感太陽電池
○志岐 翼,村里 悠,大石隆博,齋藤孝弘,尾込裕平,Shyam S Pandey,早瀬修二
387. 色素増感太陽電池におけるチタニア細孔内での電解質の拡散挙動に関する研究
○川野美延,佐藤宏美,尾込裕平,Shyam S Pandey,早瀬修二.
SPIE, August 12-16, Sandiego, CA, USA
386. Dye adsorption feature on titania surface and role of dye aggregation inhibitor monitored by quartz crystal microbalance (QCM); Ryohei Hirota; Yuhei Ogomi; Shyam S. Pandey; Shuzi Hayase; .

 International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM-2012); July, 8-13, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Shyam S. Pandey, G. M. Shivashimpi, R. Watanabe, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yamaguchi and S. Hayase

48th Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting, Kitakyushu International Conference Centre, June 30, 2012.
384. タンデム型色素増感太陽電池に関する研究; )
○志岐翼・村里悠・尾込裕平・Shyam S. Pandey・早瀬修二
383. ナノ配向制御した電極を用いた有機薄膜太陽電池に関する研究
田作優美,尾込裕平,Shyam S. Pandey, 吉野賢二(宮崎大工),早瀬修二
382. 酸化スズを使用した色素増感太陽電池の検討
岸本歩・宮崎偉久馬・貞升健吾, 尾込裕平・Shyam S Pandey・早瀬修二.
381. 有機金属前駆体を用いた塗布変換型太陽電池
久木原賢治,尾込 裕平,Shyam S. Pandey,早瀬 修二
380. 亜鉛をアクセプターに使用した有機無機ハイブリット太陽電
○山下大樹, Sandeep K Das, 田中宏樹, 田作優美,尾込裕平, Pandey Sham S1, 吉野賢二, 早瀬 修二.
379. 色素増感太陽電池におけるチタニア細孔内での コバルト電解質の拡散挙動に関する研究; 川野美延,佐藤宏美,尾込裕平,Shyam S. Pandey,早瀬修二.
378. Utilization of solution processable ZnO for dye sensitized thin film organic Solar cells
○Sandeep. K. Das, D.Yamashita, Y. Ogomi, Shyam. S. Pandey, K.Yoshino and Shuzi Hayase.
377. Efficient far-red sensitizing Squaraine Dye Bearing Cyano-acrylate Anchor for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
○Gururaj M. Shivashimpi, Shyam S. Pandey, Rie Watanabe, Yuhei Ogomi, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Shuzi Hayase.

79th, Japan Electrochemical Society, Spring Meeting Act City, Hamamatsu, Japan, March 30-31, 2012.
376. Back contact dye sensitized solar cells fabricated with high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spray method
T. Nishimura, M. Kawano, S. Sakaguchi, D. Nomura, H. Nagayoshi, Y. Ogomi, S. S. Pandey and S. Hayase
375. Cylindrical dye-sensitized solar cells with improved absorption of short wavelength light
J. Usagawa, S. Noguchi, Y. Ogomi, S. S. Pandey and S. Hayase
374. TCO-less dye-sensitized solar cells employing porous Ti as back contact electrodes
J. Usagawa, M. Tuda, Y. Ogomi, S. S. Pandey, T. Wada, H. Kato, Y. Yamaguchi and S. Hayase
373. Carrier transport in axially ligated macrocyclic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells
B. W. Park, I. Miyazaki, A. Kishimoto, Y. Ogomi, S. S. Pandey, A. Miyamoto, S. Fujita, Q. Shen, T. Toyoda and S. Hayase
372. Investigation of adsorption behaviour of dye-coadsorber and the influence on performance of dye-sensitized solar cells
R. Hirota, Shyam S. Pandey, Y. Ogomi, S. Hayase, T. Horiuchi and T. Yashiro

92nd, Spring Meeting of Japan Chemical Society; Keio University, Tokyo; March 25-28, 2012
371. Study on use of short-wavelength light in cylinder shaped dye-sensitized solar cells; USAGAWA, Jun; NOGUCHI, Sho; OGOMI, Yuhei; PANDEY, S.S.; HAYASE, Shuzi.
370. Photovoltaic performance of bottom electrode for tandem dye-sensitized solar cells; KENGO, Sadamasu; PARK, Byung wook; OGOMI, Yuhei; PANDEY, Shyam Sudhir; MIYAMOTO, Akari; FUJITA, Shinsuke; HAYASE Shuzi.
369. Analysis of Dye Adsorption behavior by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D); PANDEY, Shyam S, HIROTA Ryohei, OGOMI, Yuhei, HAYASE, Shuzi.
368. Influence of Nature of Anchoring Group in Photosensitization Behavior of Unsymmetrical Squaraine Dyes; SHIVASHIMPI Gururaj M; PANDEY, Shyam S.; WATANABE Rie; OGOMI, Yuhei; YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro; HAYASE, Shuzi.
367. An Efficient Synthesis of Organic Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells via One-Pot Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling Reactions; SUGIYAMA, Sakae; FUSE, Shinichiro; TANAKA, Keita; MAITANI, Masato; WADA, Yuji; TASAKU, Yuumi; OGOMI, Yuhei; HAYASE, Shuzi; TAKAHASHI, Takashi
366. Effect of Dye Adsorption on Anatase Titanium Oxide Surface on Photoelectric Conversion of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells; NOGAMI, Kengo; MAITANI, Masato; MOCHIZUKI, Dai; OGOMI, Yuhei; HAYASE, Shuji; SUGIYAMA, Sakae; FUSE, Shinichiro; TAKAHASHI, Takashi; WADA, Yuji
365. Enhancement of Conversion Efficiency of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells; by Engineering TiO2-Dye Interface; MAITANI, Masato; TANAKA, Keita; MOCHIZUKI, Dai; OGOMI, Yuhei; HAYASE, Shuji; SUGIYAMA, Sakae; FUSE, Shinichiro; TAKAHASHI, Takashi; WADA, Yuji
364. Approach to high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells; HAYASE, Shuzi

59th JSAP Spring Meeting , Waseda University, Tokyo, March 15-18, 2012.
363. Organic-inorganic Hybrid Thin Film Solar Cells Using Solution Processable Zinc Oxide; Sandeep K Das, Daiki Yamashita, Hiroki Tanaka, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S Pandey, Kenji Yoshino, Shuzi Hayase.
362. TCO-less dye-sensitized solar cells employing novel porous Ti electrode as back contact electrodes; Jun Usagawa, Masashi Tuda, Yuhei Ogomi , Shyam S. Pandey, Takeshi Wada, Hidemi Kato, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Shuzi Hayase
361. Optical optimization of cylindrical dye sensitized solar cell; Sho Noguchi, Jun Usagawa, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase
360. Short-wavelength light absorption on cylindrical dye-sensitized solar cells; Jun Usagawa, Sho Noguchi, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase;
359 Photosensitization of ZnO nanorod arrays adsorbed with CdSe quantum dots; Yuki Mori, Shuzo Yamada, ○Shen Qing, Yuhei Ogomi, Shuzi Hayase, Taro Toyoda
358. Photoexcited Carrier Dynamics of FeS2 Nanoparticles Adsorbed on Metal Oxide Thin Films;? Shingo Miyamoto, Takafumi Fukumoto, Yusuke Niwa, Kenji Katayama, Yuhei Ogomi4, Shuzi Hayase, Qing Shen and Taro Toyoda
357. Ambipolar Operation of Distyrylbenzene Derivatives Bilayer Structure OTFT; Shohei Minari, ○Shuichi Nagamatsu, Wataru Takashima, Shuzi Hayase, Keiichi Kaneto
356. Photoconversion interface for dye-sensitized solar cells wit high efficiency; Shuzi Hayase

2011 [54]
352. Transparent Oxide less (TCO-less) Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; Jun Usagawa, Kenshiro Uzaki, Takeshi Kogo, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase; 220th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Boston, MA, USA???Oct?2011???

11th International Discussion and Conference on Nano-interface Control Devices (IDC-NICE-2011), Dazaifu, Japan, October 19-21, 2011.
351. Development of NIR Dyes for the Fabrication of Efficient Dye-Senstized Solar Cells; Shyam S. Pandey, Rie Watanabe, Ktasunori Abe, Naotaka Fujikawa, Yuhei Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase;
350. Low Cost and High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells; Shuzi Hayase [Invited];

The 6th Acenian Conference on Dye Sensitized and Organic Solar Cells (DSC-OPV6), Beppu, Japan, October 17-19, 2011.
349. Toward high efficiency and low cost dye-sensitized solar cells?[Invited] Kengo SADAMASU, Byung-wook PARK, Jun USAGAWA, Terumi Nishimura, Y. Mizukoshi, Shyam S. PANDEY, Yuhei OGOMI and Shuzi HAYASE; The 6th Acenian Conference on Dye-sensitized and Organic Solar Cells (DSC-OPV6)???Oct?2011
348. Investigation of TiO2 surface passivation by far-red sensitizing squaraine dyes; Shyam S. PANDEY*, Hayat AZWAR, Kyung-Y. LEE, Yuhei OGOMI, and Shuzi HAYASE
26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany Sep 2011
347. Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Flexible nanoporous Titania Sheet-Transparent Conductive Oxide less Flexible DSC, TCO-less Cylinder DSC and Flexible Hybrid DSC; T. Kogo, K. Sadamasu, J. Usagawa, S. S. Pandey, Y. Ogomi and S. Hayase;

Annual Meeting on PhotoChemistry-2011 Sep 2011
346. Metal-o-metal linked phthalocyanine dyes for Near-IR absorbed dye-sensitized solar cells; PARK, Byung-wook; OGOMI, Yuhei; PANDEY, Shyam Sudhir; MIYAMOTO, Akari; FUJITA, Shinsuke; HAYASE, Shuzi,

 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM-2011), WINC, Aichi, Japan Sep 2011
345. Solution Processable Thin Film Organic Photovoltaic Cells based on Far-red Sensitizing Soluble Squaraine Dyes; S. S. Pandey, T. Mizuno, S. K. Das, Y. Ogomi and S. Hayase;

First Bilateral Spanish-Japanese Symposium on Nanotechnology and Nano Materials on Environmental Challange (SJNANO-2011), Sept. 13-16, 2011, Toledo, Spain
344. Studies of Squaraine Molecules in Solution and Deposited on to Quartz Substrates: From Femto to Millisecond Time Scale; M. J. Marchena, G. de Miguel, M. Ziolek, M. Zitnan, K. Abe, Y. Ogomi, S. S. Pandey, S. Hayase and A. Douhal
343. Photovoltaic Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells based on Unsymmetrical Squaraine Dyes with Extended pi-Conjugation Shyam S. Pandey, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase
342. Femto to Millisecond Dynamics of Squaraine Molecules Embeded in TiO2 Nanoparticle Thin Films; G. de. Miguel, M.Ziolek, M. Zitnan, M. J. Marchena, K. Abe, Y. Ogomi, S. S. Pandey, S. Hayase and A. Douhal??
341. Transparent Conductive Oxide-less Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Consisting of Flexible Nanoporous Titania Sheet-Flexible Cylinder, Fiber and Hybrid Dye sensitized Solar Cells [Invited]; Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase
340. Photophysical Behavior of A Red Absorbing Squaraine Sensitizer in Solution, Solid State and with TiO2 Nanoparticle Thin Films?[Invited] A. Douhal, G. de Miguel, M. Ziolek, M. Zitnan, M. J. Marchena, K. Abe, Y. Ogomi, S. S. Pandey and S. Hayase
III JIF-Meeting on Photochemistry (GRUFO-2011), University of Granada, Spain Sep 2011
339. Femtosecond dynamics of squaraine molecules with potential application as sensitizers in DSSCs; G. de Migue1, M. Ziolek, M. Zitnan, M. J. Marchena, S. S. Pandey, S. Hayase and A. Douhal;

Electrochemical Society Japan (ECSJ) Autumn Meeting, Niigata Convention Center, Niigata, Japan, September 9-11, 2011.
338. Investigation of diffusion of redox species through the nanopores of TiO2 layers; Hiromi Sato, Hayat Azwar, Shyam S. Pandey, Yuhei Ogomi and Hayase Shuzi
337. Study about action of dye absorption and photoelectric property for dye sensitized solar cells; R. Hirota, K. Lee, Y. Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, S. Hayase
336. TCO-less Dye sensitized solar cells; T. Nishimura, S. Sakaguchi, Y. Ogomi, D. Nomura, H. Nagayoshi, S. S. Pandey, S. Hayase
315.Cylinder shaped flexible dye sensitized solar cells; Jun Usagawa, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase
335. TCO-less dye sensitized solar cells based on Cobalt electrolytes; K. Mizukoshi, Yumi Tasaku, Minobu Kawano, Hiromi Sato, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase
334. Investigation of SnO2 bottom electrodes for Tandem Cells; Kengo Sadamasu, Park Byung-Wook, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase?

72nd Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Autumn Meeting, Yamagata University, August 29-September 2nd, 2011.
333. Parametric optimizations for circular spray nano vapor deposition to fabricate thin film organic polymer solar cells; Sandeep K. Das, Hiroki Tanaka, Shyam S. Pandey, Takafumi Mizuno, Yuhei Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase
332. Flexible Cylindrical dye sensitized solar cells; Jun Usagawa, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase
331. Research for Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cells based on SnO2/ TiO2 Double Layers; Kengo Sadamasu,Byung-wook Park,Yuhei Ogomi,Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase

SPIE-International Society for Optics and Electronics, Sandiego, CA, USA, August 19-25,2011.
330. Fine-tuning the structure of unsymmetrical squaraine dyes towards the development of efficient dye-sensitized solar cells; Shyam S. Pandey, Rie Watanabe, Naotaka Fujikawa, Yuhei Ogomi, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Shuzi Hayase
328. Transparent, conductive oxide-less cylinder type dye-sensitized solar cells (TCO-less cylinder DSC): solar cells with optical pathway; Jun Usagawa,Takeshi Kogo, Kengo Sadamasu, Shyam S. Pandey, Yuhei S. Ogomi, Shuzi Hayase

48th Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting, Kitakyushu International Conference Centre, July 9, 2011.
327. Enhancing the efficiency of Tandem dye sensitized solar cells by optimizing SnO2 bottom electrodes; Ikuma Miyazaki, Shigeo Nakashima, Shuzi Hayase, Yuhei Ogomi and Shyam S. Pandey
326. Study of Electrochemical luminescent devices; Ryohei Hirota, Hayase Shuzi, Shyam S. Pandey and Yuhei Ogomi
325. Organic thin film solar cells fabricated by circular nano vapor spray deposition; Tanaka Hiroki, Naoki Tokushige, Sandeep K. Das, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase
324. Research pertaining to the utilization of conducting polymer composite catalyst for direct Ethanol fuel cells; Hironori Tanaka, Yoshitaka Hara, Rakesh Kumar Pandey, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase
323. Investigation of Tandem dye-sensitized solar cells; Yuu Murasato, Sadamasu Kengo, Kenshiro Uzaki, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase
322. Influence of nature dye adsorption on the characteristics of dye sensitized solar cells; Ayumi Gunshin, Kyung Young Lee, Hayat Azwar, Hiromi Sato, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase
321. Investigation of diffusion of redox species through the TiO2 nanopores.Hiromi Sato, Hayat Azwar, Shyam S. Pandey, Yuhei Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase
320. Hybrid Dye sensitized solar cells utilizing TiO2 double layers; Sadamasu Kengo, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase
319. Research pertaining to enhancing the efficiency of cylindrical dye sensitized solar cells; Jun Usagawa, Sho Noguchi, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase;

8th Next Generation Solar Energy Harvesting Systems Jun 2011
318. Dye Sensitized Solar Cells without utilizing Transparent Conducting Oxide Layers; Jun Usagawa, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase;

37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA,Jun 2011
317. Multiple Electron Injection from Dyes to Titania Layer for High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells; Byung-wook Park, Kengo Sadamasu, Yuhei Ogomi, Akari Miyamoto, Shinsuke Fujita, Shyam S. Pandey, Qing Shen, Taro Toyota and Shuzi Hayase;

HOPV2011,5/17/2011 Spain
316. Dye-sensitized solar cells consisting of multiple electron injection system; Byung Park, Kengo Sadamasu, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam Pandey, Shuzi Hayase;

78th Spring Meeting of Japan Electrochemical Society; Yokohama National University, March 29-31, 2011.
315. Direct Ring Functionalized NIR Cyanine Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells; ○Shyam s. Pandey, T. Inoue, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase.
314. Hybrid dye sensitized solar cell on Glass cloth; SADAMASU Kengo, MURASATO Yuu, OGOMI Yuhei, ANDEY Shyam S., HAYASE Shuzi.
313. Improvement of light harvesting for Cylinder Type TCO-less Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; ○J. Usagawa , S. Nakashima, Y. Ogomi , S. S. Pandey, S. Hayase.
312. Study of diffusion of redox species through TiO2 nanopores modified by dye adsorption; ○SATO Hiromi,HAYAT AZWAR,SHYAM S. PANDEY,Ogomi Yuhei,Hayase Shuzi.
311. Direct ethanol fuel cell consisting of polyaniline/Pd nano composition electrode; ○Yoshitaka Hara, Hironori Tanaka, Rakesh Kumar Pandey, Shyam Sudhir Pandey, Shuzi Hayase.

The 91st Annual Meeting of The Chemical Society of Japan; Kanagawa University, Yokohama, March 26-29, 2011.
310. Strategy for dye-sensitized solar cells with high efficiency; Shuzi Hayase.
309. Investigating the factor affecting the efficiency of cylinder type TCO-less dye sensitized solar cells;○USAGAWA, Jun; KOGO Takeshi; KAYA Masaki; TOKUSHIGE Naoki; OGOMI, Yuhei; PANDEY, Shyam S.; HAYASE, Shuzi.
308. Investigation of dye adsorption and diffusion in the light of structure property correlation for dye sensitized solar cells; ○PANDEY, Shyam S.; HAYAT Azwar; LEE Kyung Young; SATO Hiromi; OGOMI, Yuhei; HAYASE, Shuzi.
307. Research on hybrid dye-sensitized solar cells based phthalocyanine and naphthalocyanines; ○Byung-wook Park; Inoue Takafumi; Yuhei Ogomi; Akari Miyamoto; Shinsuke Fujita; Shyam S. Pandey; Shuzi Hayase.

58th JSAP Spring Meeting , Kanagawa Institute of Technology, March 24-27, 2011.
306. Fabrication of Organic Photovoltaic cells by Using Spray Nano Vapor Deposition; Yuhei Ogomi, Hiroki Tanaka, Naoki Tokushige, Sandeep K Das, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase.
305. Investigation of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells where Dyes are Anchored by Metal-O-Metal Linkage on Nanoporous SnO2; B.W Park, Y. Ogomi, A. Miyamoto, S. Fujima, Shyam S. Pandey, S. Hayase
304. Investigation of Optical Characteristics in Cylinder Type TCO-less Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; Jun Usagawa, Shigeo Nakashima, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase.
303. Ultrafast Dynamics of Electron Injection from Linearly Linked Two Dye Molecules to Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells; Q. Shen, Y. Ogomi, B. W. Park, S. S. Pandey, A. Miyamoto, S. Fujita, T. Toyoda, S. Hayase

International School & Symposium on Multifunctional Molecule-based Materials; Argonne National Laboratory; USA, March 13-18, 2011.
302. Dye Sensitized Thin Film Organic Solar Cells: An Approach towards Enhancing the Photon Harvesting; Shyam S. Pandey, Takafumi Mizuno and Shuzi Hayase.

2010 [56]

XXIII IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry; Ferrara, Italy, July 11-16, 2010.
301. Ultrafast Spectroscopic Studies of Red Absorbing Dye Proposed for Solar Cells; Michal Zitnan, Marcin Ziolek, Byoko Kohen Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi. Hayase, Juan Angel Organero, and Abderrazzak Douhal

International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM-2010), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, DEC. 15-20, 2010.
300. Development of squaraine based NIR dyes for dye double-layer dye sensitized solar cells. S. S. Pandey; S. Hayase; Y. Ogomi; B. W Park; T. Inoue
299. Application of squaraine dyes toward the fabrication of processable organic photovoltaic cells. Y. Ogomi; S. Pandey; T. Mizuno; T. Shimoji; S. Hayase.
298. 3D-dye-sensitized solar cells. S. Hayase; S. S. Pandey; Y. Ogomi; J. Usagawa; K. Uzaki

23rd International Conference on Microprocess and Nanotechnology (MNC-2010), Kokura, Kitakyushu, Nov. 9-12, 2010.
297. Investigating the role of dye dipole on observed Voc in solid state dye sensitized solar cells; Shyam S. Pandey*, Y. K. Lee, H. Azwar, Y. Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase

71st JSAP Autumn Meeting , Nagasaki University, Sept. 14-17, 2010.
296. Application of energy devices based on molecular technology; Shuzi Hayase.
295. Long-term air-stability of n-type OTFT using CN-CF3DSB with fluorine substituent; ○Shuichi Nagamatsu, Kouji Kuramoto, Daisuke Adachi, Toshiya Nagase, Shinya Oku, Tetsuji Moriguchi, Wataru Takashima, Tatsuo Okauchi, Katsuhiro Mizoguchi, Shuzi Hayase and Keiichi Kaneto.
294. Fabrication of Organic Photovoltaic cells by Using Air Atomizing Spray Vapor Deposition; Takafumi Mizuno, ○Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
293. Investigation of Cylinder Type TCO-less Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; ○Jun Usagawa, Takeshi Kogo, Byung-wook Park, Yuhei Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase
292. Optical Simulation of Cylinder Type TCO-less Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Module; ○Sho Noguchi, Jun Usagawa, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
291. New concept hybrid dye sensitized solar cells sensitized with phthalocyanine, naphthalocyanine and visible dyes; B.W Park, R. Watanabe, Y. Ogomi, A. Miyamoto, S. Fujima, Shyam S. Pandey, S. Hayase.
290. The effect of substituents of sensitizing dyes upon the apparent diffusion of dyes and redox species in; nanoporous TiO2; ○ Hayat Azwar, Lee Keun-Young, Shyam S. Pandey, Yuhei Ogomi, and Shuzi Hayase

ECS J Autumn? Meeting, Kanagawa institute of Technology, Sept. 2-3, 2010.
289. Proposal for high efficiency flexible dye sensitized solar cell without transparent conducting film; T. Kogo, R. Hirota, Y. Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
288. Investigation of cylinder type TCO-less dye sensitized solar cells; J. Usagawa, T. Kogo, B.W. Park, K. Uzaki, Y. Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase.
287. Dye sensitized solar cells based on hybrid dye structure; B.W. Park, R. Watanabe, Y. Ogomi, A. Miyamoto, S. Fujima, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
286. Effect of molecular structure of adsorbed dyes on different redox species in nanoporous TiO2; Keung Young Lee, Hayat Azwar, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
285. 3D dye sensitized solar cells consisting of self standing charge separation sheet-various TCO-less 3D structures including tandem, cylinder and fiber DSSCs; Jun Usagawa, Kenshiro Uzaki, Shyam S. Pandey, Yuhei Ogomi, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Mitsuru Kono and Shuzi Hayase; 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, Spain, Sept. 6-10, 2010.
284. TCO-less 3D dye-sensitized solar cells consisting of charge separation sheet -Tandem, hybrid, cylinder and fiber cells; Shuzi Hayase; IEEE Nano 2010, South Korea, Aug. 17-20, 2010.
283. TCO-less 3D-dye sensitized solar cells consisting of flexible porous titania/mesh sheet; Shuzi Hayase, Jun Usagawa, Kenshiro Uzaki, Shyam S. Pandey, Yuhei Ogomi, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Mitsuru Kono; SPIE Symposium on Optics and Photonics, San Diego, California, USA, Aug. 1-5, 2010.
18th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy [IPS-18]; Seoul, South Korea, July 25-30, 2010.
282. TCO-Less 3D Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Consisting of Charge Separation Sheet-Direction to High Efficiency Cells Consisting of Tandem and Hybrid Structures; J. Usagawa, K. Uzaki, Shyam S. Pandey, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and Shuzi Hayase
281. Design and development of symmetrical squaraine dyes for dye double layer dye sensitized solar cells; Shyam S. Pandey, B.W Park, T. Inoue, Y. Ogomi, N. Fujikawa, Y. Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase
7th Next Generation Solar Energy Production Systems Symposium, Kitakyushu International Conference Centre Kokura, July 8-9, 2010.
280. Application of Squaraine dye to Organic photovoltaic cells; R. Takei, T. Shimoji, T. Mizuno, Y. Ogomi, S.S. Pandey and S. Hayase
279. Tandem Type Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Consisting of Mesh Electrode; Kenshiro Uzaki, Takafumi Inoue,? Shyam S. Pandey, Yuhei Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase.
278. Investigation of dye sensitized solar cells based on SnO2, Byung Wook Park, Nakajima Shigeo, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
277. Fundamental research on near infrared dyes for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells; T. Inoue, S. S. Pandey , Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase
276. Investigating the Diffusion of I2 and Sensitizing dyes in Nanoporous TiO2; Hayat Azwar, Lee Kyun-Young, , Shyam S. Pandey, and Hayase Shuzi.
275. Cylinder Type TCO-less Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; ○Jun Usagawa, Byung-wook Park, Kenshiro, Uzaki, Takeshi Kogo, Yuhei Ogomi, Shuzi Hayase
274. Investigation of vertical type 3D dye sensitized solar cells; ○Kaya Masaki, Usagawa Jun, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
47th Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kokura, July 10, 2010.
273. 3D-TCO-Less vertical type dye sensitized solar cells; Kaya Masaki, Usagawa Jun, Kenshiro Uzaki, Yuhei Ogomi, Mitsuru Kono, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Shyam S. Pandey, and Shuzi Hayase.
272. Investigations pertaining to addition of squaraine dyes towards the extension of photon harvesting window in thin film solar organic solar solar cells; Takafumi Mizuno, Ryo Takei, Shimoji Takayuki, Yuhei Ogomi,? Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
271. Hybrid dye sensitized solar cells; Lee Kyung- Young, Shuhei Matsushita, Hayat Azwar,Yuhei Ogomi, Park Byung-Wook, Inoue Takafumi, Shyam S. Pandey, Hayase Shuzi and Yoshihiro Yamaguchi.
270. Dye sensitized solar cells based on composite SnO2 electrode synthesized by sol-gel method; ○Byung-wook Park, Yohei Kouge, Shigeo Nakashima, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase.
269. Characteristics of dye sensitized solar cells bearing porous TiO2 electrodes fabricated using very short time; Terumi Nishimura, Shohei Sakaguchi, Daishiro Nomura, Hideaki Nagayoshi Hayase Shuzi.
268. Cylinder type TCO-less dye sensitized solar cells; ○Sho Noguchi, Jun Usagawa, Park Byung-Wook, Uzaki Kenshiro, Takeshi Kogo, Yuhei Ogomi, Mitsuru Kono, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
267. Dye sensitized solar cells bearing SnO2 as n-type semiconductor; ○Nakajima Shigeo, Yohei Koge, Takashi Fujiyama, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
266. Performance of dye sensitized solar cells fabricated with hydrothermally synthesized SnO2 electrode; ○Park Byung-wook, Yohei Koge, Nakajima Shigeo, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase
265. Design of Squaraine Dyes with Extended pi-Conjugation for Dye Double Layer Sensitized Solar Cells; Shyam S. Pandey, T. Inoue, Y. Ogomi, N. Fujikawa, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi and S. Hayase, International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM-2010),? Kyoto, Japan, July 4-9. 2010
264. S. Hayase, Y. Ogomi, J. Usagawa, K. Uzaki, S. Pandey, M. Kono, and Y. Yamaguchi; New dye sensitized solar cells consisting of 3D photo anode, Renewable Energy 2010, Pacific Yokohama, Japan, June 27-July 2, 2010.?
263. Shuzi Hayase; TCO-less 3D ?dye-sensitized solar cells consisting of charge separation sheet , and direction to high efficiency cells by using TCO-less structure; 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, Hawaii, June? 20-25, 2010.
262. Tandem dye-sensitized solar cells consisting of floating electrode supported by non-conductive glass mesh; Kenshiro Uzaki, Shyam S. Pandey, Yuhei Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase,International Conference on Modern Materials and Technology (CIMTECH-2010), Montacatini, Italy, June 13-18, 2010.
261. ?Tandem and Hybrid Structure for High Efficiency, Dye-sensitized Solar Cells; S. HAYASE, 5th Forum on New Materials, CIMTEC2010, Montecatini, Italy, June 13-18, 2010.
260. 3D-TCO-less dye sensitized solar cells; Shuzi Hayase; 6th International Symposium on Organic Molecular Electronics (ISOME2010), Chiba University, June 10-11, 2010.
77th ECS J Spring Meeting? Toyama University, March 29-31, 2010.
259. Tandem dye sensitized solar cells consisting of glass mesh electrode; Uzaki, T. Inoue, Shyam S. Pandey, M. Kohno, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase
258. Evaluation of porous SnO2 using thermally stimulated current; Yohei Kouge, Takashi Fujiyama, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase
257. Study of apparent diffusion in TiO2 film for dye sensitized solar cell; Shuhei Matsushita, Lee Kyung Young, Hayat Azwar, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
256. Effect of extended conjugation in squarine dyes on photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cells; T. Inoue, S. S. Pandey , Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase
255. Cylinder Type TCO-less Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; J. Usagawa1, B. Park, K. Uzaki, T. Kogo, Y. Ogomi, M. Kohno, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase
Japan Chemical Society Spring Meeting , Kinki University, March 26-29, 2010.
254. Fabrication of vertical type tandem dye-sensitized solar cells; KAYA, Masaki; USAGAWA. Jun; UZAKI, Kenshiro; OGOMI, Yuhei; KOHNO, Mitsuru, YAMAGUCHI, Yoshihiro; SHYAM S. Pandey. HAYASE, Shuzi
253. Development of Near-IR dyes for bottom layer of tandem/hybrid dye-sensitized solar cells; Shyam S, PANDEY; Yuhei, OGOMI; Byung wook, PARK; Takafumi, INOUE; Naotaka, FUJIKAWA; Mitsuru, KOHNO; Yoshihiro, YAMAGUCHI; Shuzi, HAYASE
252. Dye sensitized solar cells in the shape of cylinder with mesh electrode; USAGAWA, Jun; PARK, Byung-wook; UZAKI, Kenshiro; KOGO, Takeshi; OGOMI, Yuhei; KONO, Mitsuru, YAMAGUCHI, Yoshihiro; HAYASE, Shuzi.
251. Tandem dye-sensitized solar cell consisting of glass mesh electrode; Uzaki, Kenshiro; Inoue, Takafumi; Kouge, Yohei; Ogomi, Yuhei; Shyam S. Pandey; Kohno, Mitsuru; Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro; Hayase, Shuzi.
250. Performance of direct ammonia fuel cell using Sb doped tin oxide composite for Anode electrode; HARA, Yoshitaka; MURABAYASHI, Masanao; HAYASE, Shuzi.
57th JSAP Spring Meeting , Tokai University, March 17-20, 2010.
249. Fabrication of vertical type tandem dye-sensitized solar cells; M. Kaya1, J. Usagawa1, K. Uzaki1, Y. Ogomi1, T. Nishimura, M. Kohno, Y. Yamaguchi, ○S. S. Pandey, S. Hayase.
248. Organic photovoltaic cells based on Squaraine dye; R. Takei, T. Mizuno, T. Shimoji, Y. Ogomi, S. S. Pandey, S. Hayase.
247. Effect of extended conjugation in squaraine dyes on photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cells; T. Inoue, Y. Ogomi, ○S. S. Pandey, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase.
246. Tandem dye sensitized solar cell consisting of glass mesh electrode ; ○K. Uzaki1, T. Inoue1, Pandey Shyam S.1, M. Kohno2, Y. Yamaguchi2, S. Hayase.
245. Cylinder Type TCO-less Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; ○Jun Usagawa, Byung-wook Park, Kenshiro Uzaki1, Takeshi Kogo1, Yuhei Ogomi1, Mitsuru Kohno, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Shuzi Hayase.
2009 [40]
India-Japan Workshop on Biomolecular Electronics and Organic Nanotechnology for Environment Preservation, New Delhi, India, Dec. 17-20, 2009.
244. Alkyl and Fluoro-alkyl substituted squarine dyes: A prospective approach towards development of novel NIR sensitizers; ○Shyam S. Pandey, Takafumi Inoue, Naotaka Fujikawa, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
243. Probing mechanism of dye double layer formation from dye-cocktail solution for dye-sensitized solar cells; ○Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Shunta Kimura and Shuzi Hayase
242. Fabrication of electron passes in nano-TiO2 layer by thermal spray method for dye-sensitized solar cells; ○Terumi Nishimura, Daishiro Nomura, Hideaki Nagayoshi, Shuzi Hayase.
241. 3D-TCO-less-Dye sensitized solar cells consisting of Hybrid and Tandem structures; Y. Kashiwa, Y. Ogomi, J. Usagawa, and S. Hayase, M. Kono and Y. Yamaguchi; The 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (21st to 25th September 2009), Hamburg , Germany.
ECS J Fall Meeting? Kyoto University, Sept. 10-11, 31, 2009
240. Tandem Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Consisting of Metal Mesh Electrode; K. Uzaki1, T. Inoue1, Shyam S. Pandey1, M. Kohno2, Y. Yamaguchi2, S. Hayase
239. Investigation of Efficient long wavelength organic sensitizers; T. Inoue, S. S. Pandey , Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase.
238. Fiber type dye-sensitized solar cells consisting of light harvesting system; J. Usagawa, Y. Koge, B. W. ?Park, S. S. Pandey, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase.
237. Photovoltaic performances of dye sensitized solar cells prepared by thermal spray method; Terumi Nishimura, Daishiro Nomura, Hideaki Nagayoshi, Shuzi Hayase.
70th ?JSAP Fall Meeting , Toyama University, Sept 8-11, 2009
236. Investigation of the relationship between dipole and observed Voc in solid-state dye sensitized solar cells; S. Kojima, S. S. Pandey, Y. K. Lee, H. Azwar, T. Kogo, S. Hayase
235. Effect of molecular sensitizers on the photovoltaic performance of polymer bulk-heterojunction solar cells; S. S. Pandey T. Mizuno, S. Hayase.
234. Fiber type dye-sensitized solar cells with enhanced light trapping; ○J. Usagawa, Y. Koge, B. Park, S. S. Pandey, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase.
46th Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting, Kitakyushu International Conference Centre, Kokura, July 11, 2009.
233. Investigation pertaining to luminance enhancement in comb type electrode based Electrochemiluminiscence devices; Hiroshi Takishita, Tomohito Tanaka, Ryuji Taketomi Takafumi Mizuno and Shuzi Hayase,
232. Application of hybrid ionic liquids type electrolytes in dye sensitized solar cells; Shuhei Matsushita, S. Ananda Rama Krishnan, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
231. Fibre type TCO less dye sensitized solar cells; Jun Usagawa, J. Choi, Takishita? Hiroshi, Yohei Koge, Mitsuru Kono, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
230. Device performance of direct ethanol fuel cells bearing Sb doped SnO2; Murabayashi Masano, Anai Minoru, Yoshitaka Hara and Shuzi Hayase.
229. Tandem dye sensitized solar Cells bearing mesh electrodes with back electron transfer protective layer; Kenshiro Uzaki, Takafumi Inoue, Shyam S. Pandey, Mitsuru Kono, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
228. Photoelectrochemical? light emitting cells fabricated with thin film ZnO nano-rods; Ryuji Taketomi, Tanaka Tomohito, Takishita Hiroshi, Fujita Yoshihisa, T. Sagawa and S. Yoshikawa.
227. Investigation of effect of alkyl chain length on the photoconversion efficiency of dye sensitized solar cells; Takafumi Inoue, Tetsuya Yokoyama, ?Shyam S. Pandey, Shohei Sakaguchi, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
226. Performance enhancement of direct ethanol fuel cells having electrodes containing SnO2 composite electrodes; Yoshitaka Hara, Minoru Anai, Masano Murabayashi and Hayase Shuzi.
225. Photoelectrochemical cells fabricated with thin film ZnO nano-rods; Ryuji Taketomi, Tanaka Tomohito, Hiroshi Takishita, Yoshihisa Fujita, Shuzi Hayase, T. Sagawa and S. Yoshikawa.
224. Investigations related to 3-terminal dye sensitized solar cells bearing ZnO nano rods; Y. Koge, Y. Fujita, J. Usagawa, Shuzi Hayase, T. Sagawa and S. Yoshikawa.
Fourth East Asia Symposium on Functional Dyes and Advanced Materials; Osaka, Japan, June 2-5, 2009.
223. Effect of Alkyl Chain Length on Solar Cell Performance for Designing New IR Dyes for Dye-Double Layer Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; Takafumi Inoue, Tatsuya Yokoyama, Shyam S. Pandey, Shohei Sakaguchi, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase
222. Jun Usagawa, Yohei Kouge, Jin-Young Choi, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Mitsuru Kono and Shuzi Hayase; TCO Less Fiber Tandem Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
221. TCO-less-dye-sensitized solar cells consisting of hybrid and tandem structures; Y. Kashiwa, Y. Ogomi, J. Usagawa, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi, and S. Hayase; Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics Conference HOPV09, 10-13 May, 2009, Benidorm, Spain
?56th JSAP Spring Meeting , Chiba University, March 30- April 2, 2009.
220. Composites of ionic liquid type electrolytes containing perfluorinated alkyl chains for dye-sensitized solar cells; Selvaraj Ananda Rama Krishnan, Matsushita Shuhei, Shyam Sudhir Pandey, Shuzi Hayase
219. Investigation of efficient dye-sensitized solar cells based on organic dyes. Correlation of solar cell performance with chain lengths, electron behaviours in titania and electron diffusion length; Inoue Takafumi1, ○ Shyam S Pandey1, Yokoyama Tatsuya, Sakaguchi Shohei1,Yamaguchi Yoshihiro, Hayase Shuzi.
218. Fabrication of electronic pass in TiO2 layer by high impact collision and application to dye sensitized solar cells not including baking process; ○Terumi Nishimura, Yoshihisa Fujita, Daishiro Nomura , Hideaki Nagayoshi, Shuzi Hayase.
217. Tandem dye-sensitized solar cells consisting of mesh electrodes protected with TiOx layers; ○Kenshiro Uzaki, Takafumi Inoue, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase
216. Fiber type TCO-less dye-sensitized solar cell; ○Jun Usagawa, Jin-Young Choi, Hiroshi Takishita1, Yohei Koge, Shuzi Hayase.
76th ECS J Spring Meeting? Kyoto University, March 29-31, 2009.
215. Fabrication of dye-sensitized solar cells by high impact collision of titania and the application to dye sensitized solar cells; Terumi Nishimura, Yoshihisa Fujita, Daishiro Nomura, Hideaki Nagayoshi, Shuzi Hayase.
214. Hybrid ionic liquid type electrolyte and application to dye-sensitized solar cells; Shuhei Matsushita, S. Ananda Rama Krishnan, Shyam S. Pandey, Shuzi Hayase
213. Enhanced intensity of Electrochemiluminescence for cells consisting of ZnO nano-rod film; Tomohito Tanaka,Hiroshi Takishita,Ryuji Taketomi,Yoshihisa Fujita,Shuzi Hayase,Takashi Sagawa,Susumu Yoshikawa. ?
212. Fiber type dye-sensitized solar cell; J. Choi, J. Usagawa, Y. Koge , S. Kojima, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase.
211. 3D-Tandem Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell; Kenshiro Uzaki, Takafumi Inoue, Shyam S. Pandey, Yoshitaka Hara, Shuzi Hayase
210. Dependence of alkyl chain length of dye molecules on dye-sensitized solar cell photovoltaic performance; T. Inoue, T. Yokoyama, S Pandey , S Sakaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Hayase.
209. Development of direct ethanol fuel cells bearing Antimony tin oxide(ATO)/Pt/Ru/C composite anode; Anai Minoru;, Masano Murabayashi, Yoshitaka Hara and Shuzi Hayase.
Japan Chemical Society Spring Meeting , Nihon University, March 27-30, 2009.
208. Photovoltaic performances of TCO-less dye-sensitized solar cells with floating stainless mesh-Relationship between cell area and photovoltaic performance; FUJITA, Yoshihisa; UZAKI, Kenshiro; YOSHIDA, Yorikazu; PANDEY? Shyam S. ?KOUNO, Mitsuru; YAMAGUCHI, Yoshihiro; HAYASE, Shuzi.
207. Directions to high efficiency-dye-sensitized solar cells. Correlation of solar cell performances with chain length, electron behaviors in titania, and dye-dipoles; YOKOYAMA, Tatsuya; INOUE, Takafumi; ○PANDEY, Shyam S; SAKAGUCHI, Shohei, YAMAGUCHI, Yoshihiro; HAYASE, Shuzi
206. Cell Performance of direct? ethanol fuel cells having Antimony doped SnO2 composite electrode.; MINORU Anai, HARA Yoshitaka, MURABAYASHI Masano, KOGO Takeshi and HAYASE Shuzi.
2008 [40]
The 3rd Japan-Korea Bilateral Workshop on Dye-sensitized and Organic Solar Cell; Kokura, Dec. 18-19, 2008.
205. Quasi-solid Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Consisting of Amylose/Porous Al2O3 Film/Ionic Liquid Film; Takeshi Kogo, Shuzi Hayase , Tatsuo Kaiho , and Mitsuru Taguchi.
204. Creation of Charge Carrier Paths Consisted of Porous Alumina/Conjugated Polymer/Ionic liquid Composite Films for Efficient Dye sensitized solar cells; Fumi Inakazu, Takeshi Kougo, Shohei Sakaguchi, and Shuzi Hayase.
203. Selective Adsorption of Two Different Dyes in Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; Terumi Nishimura, Yoshihisa Fujita, Fumi Inakazu, Shyam S. Pandey, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Mitsuru Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
202. Investigating the role of Chenodeoxycholic acid towards Voc Enhancement in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Probed by Surface Potential Measurement; Shyam S. Pandey, Shohei Sakaguchi, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuji Hayase.
201. 3D Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Prepared by Nano-interface Control; Improvement of Light-harvesting Properties; S. Hayase, F. Inakazu, Y. Noma, T. Kougo, S. Pandey, S. Sakaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, and M. Kono;? MRS Fall Meeting, Boston USA, December 1-5, 2008.
Electrochemical Society Pacific Rim Meeting? [Prime-2008], Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Oct. 12-17, 2008.
200. Hybrid Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell selectively sensitized by two different dyes; T. Nishimura, Y. Fujita, F. Inakazu, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase.
199. Investigation of TiO2/dye interface and effect of coadsorbate on their implication on Voc in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; S. S. Pandey, S. Sakaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, and S. Hayase.
198. Dye sensitized solar cells with charge carrier paths consisting of porous alumina film/conductive polymer/ionic liquid composite films; F. Inakazu, T. Kougo, S. Sakaguchi, S. Sakaguchi and S. Hayase.
197. Proposal to high efficiency dye sensitized solar cell - Harvesting light with wide range of wavelengths and fabrication of charge carrier paths; S. Hayase, S. S.. Pandey, S. Sakaguchi, F. Inakazu, Y. Noma and Y. Yamaguchi.
196. The high efficiency of a direct ethanol fuel cell having an oxide nanoparticle composite electrodes; Y. Hara, M. Anai and S. Hayase.
57th Polymer? Society? Symposium, Osaka, Sept. 24-26, 2008.
195. Hybridization of dye sensitized solar cells for? their efficiency enhancement; Hayase Shuzi, Inakazu Fumi, Takeshi Kogo and Yusuke Noma.
Photochemical Society Symposium, Osaka, Sept. 11-13, 2008.
194. Efficiency enhancement of Electroluminescent cells having nano architecture; Takishita Hiroshi, Tomohito Tanaka, Hayase Shuzi, Takashi Sagawa and Susumu Yoshikawa.
193. Dye sensitized solar cells having TiO2 layers with selectively adsorbed dyes; Inakazu Fumi, Shohei Sakaguchi, Yuhei Ogomi, Yoshihisa Fujita, Shyam S. Pandey and Shuzi Hayase. ?
192. Shuzi Hayase; ITO-less dye sensitized solar cells; International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy [IPS-17], Sydney Australia, July 27-31, 2008.
191. Shuzi Hayase, Fumi Inakazu, Yuhei Ogomi, Yusuke Noma, Yoshihisa Fujita, Mitsuru Kono, Yoshihiro, Yamaguchi, Yohei Kashiwa, Takeshi Kogo; TiO2 Surface State Control for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with High Efficiency and the Solidification -Fabrication of Charge Carrier Path, IUMRS-ICEM 2008, Sydney Australia.
69th ?JSAP Fall Meeting , Chubu University, Nagoya, ?Sept 8-11, 2009
190. Relationship between TiO2 /passivation molecule surface potential and Hammet? for dye -sensitized solar cells; Shohei Sakaguchi, Keisuke Okada, Shyam S. Pandey, Terumi Nishimura, Mitsuru Kono, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi hayase.
189. Selective adsorption mechanism for dyes on TiO2 layers and performance of hybrid dye sensitized solar cells; Shohei Sakaguchi, Yuhei Ogomi, Yoshihisa Fujita, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Mitsuru Kono and Shuzi hayase.
188. Development of metal electrode type dye sensitized solar cells consisting of stainless mesh and dense TiO2 layer.; Yorikazu Yoshida, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.?
45th Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting, Kitakyushu International Conference Centre, Kokura, July 6, 2008.
187. Fabrication of electroluminescent cells containing the photonic crystals; Hiroshi Takishita, Makoto Fujimoto and Shuzi Hayase.
186. Investigation pertaining to the interface control in hybrid organic solar cells towards efficiency enhancement; Yoshitaka Hara, Tetsuya Yokoyama, S. Kojima, Yusuke Noma, Wataru Takashima, Keiichi Kaneto and Hayase Shuzi.
185. Fabrication of 3D porous electrodes and development of all metal type dye sensitized solar cells; Tetsuya Yokoyama, S. Kojima, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Mitsuru Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
184. Clarification of mechanism of dye adsorption? under critical CO2 atmosphere; Y. Fujita, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and S. Hayase.
183. AC driven Electroluminescent cells fabricated with comb type ITO electrodes; T. Tanaka, M. Fujimoto, H. Takishita, F. Inakazu and Shuzi Hayase.
182. Characteristics of direct ethanol fuel cells consisted of? semiconductor nanocomposite based anode and cathode electrodes; M. Anai, K. Kamisugi, Y. Hara, R. Shiratsuchi and S. Hayase.
181. Development of portable? power source for in-door applications; Lin Kakurin, T. Nishimura, F. Inakazu, T. Kogo and S. Hayase.
75th ECS J Spring Meeting? Yamanashi University, March 29-31, 2008.
180. Proposal of dye sensitized solar cell efficiency enhancement based on TiO2 surface potential measurement; Keisuke Okada, Shohei Sakaguchi, Yuhei Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, Terumi Nishimura, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
179. Efficiency enhancement of dye sensitized solar cells based on dye double layer adsorption; Y. Fujita, Y. Ogomi, K. Iizuka, Y. Noma, S. Hamaguchi, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi and S. Hayase.
178. All metal TCO-less dye sensitized solar cells fabricated with Ti 3D electrodes containing straight pores; Y. Kashiwa, S. Kojima, Y. Hara, T. Yokoyama, Y. Ogomi, T. Beppu, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and S. Hayase.?
177. Interface control in hybrid organic solar cells towards the efficiency enhancement; Y. Hara, D. Ogata, T. Yokoyama, S. Kojima, S. Sakaguchi and S. Hayase. ?
176. AC driven electroluminescent cells and nano architecture in devices having comb type ITO electrode.; T. Tanaka, M. Fujimoto, H. Takishita, F. Inakazu and S. Hayase.
175. Characteristics of direct ethanol fuel cell consisted of composite Pt/Ru/C anode and Pt/C cathode containing semiconductor nanoparticles;? M. Anai, K. Kamisugi, Y. Hara and Shuzi hayase.
?55th JSAP Spring Meeting , Nihon University, March 27- 30, 2008.
174. Relationship between surface potential and Voc in dye sensitized solar cells based on surface potential measurement; S. Sakaguchi, K. Okada, Y. Ogomi, Shyam S. Pandey, T. Nishimura, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi and S. Hayase.?
173. Mechanism? of dye double layer formation and characteristics of hybrid dye sensitized solar cells; K. Iizuka, Y. Ogomi, Y. Fujita, Y. Noma, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
172. All metal dye sensitized solar cells containing Ti electrode with straight pore and without using the TCO layer; Y. Kashiwa, Y. Hara, S. Kojima, T. Yokoyama, T. Beppu, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
171. Development of dense Ti coated Ag current collecting electrodes for dye sensitized solar cells; Y. Yoshida, Y. Kashiwa, Y. Noma, T. Kato and Shuzi Hayase.?
170. Efficiency enhancement of inorganic/organic hybrid solar cells based on interface control; Y. Hara, D. Ogata, T. Yokoyama, S. Kojima, S. Sakaguchi and S. Hayase.?
88th Japan Chemical Society Spring Meeting , Ritsumeiken University, March 26-30, 2008.
169. Fabrication of porous Ti electrode and development of DSC without transparent conducting oxide; Y. Kashiwa, Y. Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase.
168. Development of dye-sensitized solar cells which used arc-plasma Ti for the coating of the metal grid; Y. Yoshida, Y. Kashiwa, Y. Noma, T. Kato and Shuzi Hayase.
167. Development of Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell using semiconductor nano particles and Pt/C for Cathode electrode; K. Kamisugi, M. Anai, Y. Hara and Shuzi Hayase.
166. Proposal to all-solid dye sensitized solar cell; D. Ogata, Y. Hara, T. Yokoyama, S. Kojima, S. Sakaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
165. Analysis of Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) behavior that applied the alternating current; M. Fujimoto, H. Takishita and Shuzi Hayase.
2007 [30]
164. TiO2 surface state control for dye sensitized solar cells and the solidification Fabrication of charge collection paths; Yuhei Ogomi, Yusuke Noma, Takeshi Kogo, Fumi Inakazu and Shuzi Hayase; 10th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kobe, Dec. 4-7, 2007.
163. PROPOSAL FOR HIGH EFFICIENCY DYE SENSITIZED SOLAR CELL STRUCTURE; Shuzi Hayase, Yuhei Ogomi, Yohei Kashiwa, Yusuke Noma; 17th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference [PVSEC-17], Fukuoka, Dec. 3-7, 2007.
162. Self aggregation and solidification in dye sensitized solar cells; F. Inakazu, T. Kogo and Shuzi Hayase, IEICE Meeting, Oct 26, 2007.
ECS J Fall Meeting?, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Sept. 19-20, 2007
161. Decrease in TiO2? surface states and solar cell performance for organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells; D. Ogata, Y. Hara, Y. Noma, S. Kojima, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and S. Hayase.
160. Dye sensitized solar with charge carrier paths consisting of porous alumina film/conducting polymer/ionic liquid composite films; F. Inakazu, T. Kogo, Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi and S. Hayase.
159. Fabrication of high performance dye sensitized solar cells; Y. Kashiwa, Y. Ogomi, K. Hirano, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and S. Hayase.
158. Investigation related to ethanol, fuel cells fabricated with Pt/Ru/C electrode containing semiconductor nano particles; K. Kamisugi, M. Anai, N-S Park, Y. Hara, T. Yokoyama and S. Hayase.
68th ?JSAP Fall Meeting , Hokkaido University, ?Sept 4-8, 2007.
157. Dye sensitized solar cells consisted of 3D electrode; Y. Kashiwa, Y. Ogomi, K. Hirano, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and S. Hayase.
156. Dye sensitized solar cells consisted of porous alumina, conducting polymers and ionic? liquids; F. Inakazu, T. Kogo, Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi and S. Hayase.
155. Investigations pertaining to TiO2 surface states and performance enhancement? of organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells; D. Ogata, Y. Hara, Y. Noma, S. Kojima, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and S. Hayase.
154. Dye sensitized solar cells with high efficiency from nano-interface control to solidification; Shuzi Hayase, , EM-NANO-2007, Nagano, June 19-22, 2007.
56th Polymer Society Meeting,?Kyoto International Conference Center,? May 29-31, 2007
153. Charge separation interface control in dye sensitized solar cells; Y. Noma, T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
152. Dye sensitized solar cells consisting of composite of porous alumina, conducting polymers and ionic liquids; F. Inakazu,?T.?Kogo, Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi, T. Kato, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.??
151. Research pertaining to performance enhancement of solar cells based on nano TiO2 and organic semiconductor hybrids; D. Ogata, Y. Hara, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
74th ECSJ Spring? Meeting, Tokyo University, March 29-31, 2007. 
150. Ni-Co-Fe electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction in direct ethanol fuel cells; Namshin Park, T. Shiraishi, K. Kamisugi, K. Iizuka, Y. Hara, T. Kado and S. Hayase
149. Direct ethanol fuel cells: Effect of SnO2 nanoparticles; K. Kamisugi, T. Shiraishi, N-S Park, K. Iizuka, Y. Hara, T. Kado and S. Hayase.
148. Dye sensitized solar cells with charge carrier paths consisting of porous alumina film/conducting polymer /ionic liquid composite films; F. Inakazu, T. Kogo, Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi, T. Kato, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
147 (b). Solidification of dye sensitized solar cells consisting of porous alumina/ionic liquid composite film;?T. Kogo, S. Hayase, T. Kaihou, M. Taguchi and K. Hosoya.
147 (a). Relationship between dye structure and electron trap distribution for dye sensitized solar cells;? , Y. Noma, T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, S. Hayase, M. Kono and Y. Yamaguchi.
146. Hybrid dye sensitized solar cell; Y. Ogomi, S. Tokashiki, K. Ide, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and S. Hayase.
145. Simulation of dye sensitized solar cell based N3 and N719 dyes; Y. Kashiwa, T. Kado and S. Hayase.
54th? JSAP Spring Meeting , Aoyama Gakuin University, March 27-30, 2007.
144. Dye sensitized solar cells with charge carrier paths consisting of porous alumina film/conducting polymer/ionic liquid composite composite films; Fumi Inakazu, Takeshi Kougo, Yuhei Ogomi, Shohei Sakaguchi, Takehito Kato, Wataru Takashima, Keiichi Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
143. Fabrication of high performance dye sensitized solar cells for selective dye staining; Yuhei Ogomi, Shohei Sakaguchi, Shinya Tokashiki, Kenichi Ide, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Mitsuru Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
142. Relationship between dye structure and electron trap distribution for dye sensitized solar cells; Yusuke Noma, Takashi Kado,, Yuhei Ogomi, Mitsuru Kono, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.?
141. Hybrid solar cells consisting of Nano TiO2/ Organic conductor interface; Yoshitaka Hara, Daisuke Ogata, Wataru Takashima, Keiichi Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
87th Japan Chemical Society ?Meeting , Kansai? University, March 25-28, 2007.
140. Direct ethanol fuel cells -Effect of SnO2 nano particle; HAYASE, Shuzi; SHIRAISHI, Takeyuki ; KAMISUGI , Kazuyoshi ; PARK, Namsin; IIZUKA, Keita ; HARA, Yoshitaka ; KADO, ??????? Takashi
139. Interface control and dye sensitized solar cells; Shuzi Hayase.
138. Dye sensitized solar cells wit h charge carrier paths consisting of porous alumina film/ conductive polymer / ionic liquid composite films; Fumi Inakazu? , Takeshi Kougo, Yuhei Ogomi , Shohei???? Sakaguchi, Takehito Kato, Wataru Takashima , Keiichi Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
137. Electron- trap distribution changes in TiO2 layer caused by dye staining; Y. Noma, T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
136. Fabrication of dye sensitised solar cells by using dye aggregation inhibitors against black dye; Y. Ogomi, S. Tokashiki, K. Ide, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi and S. Hayase.
135. Optimization of nano hole array for Electrochemiluminescence devices; M. Fujimoto, K. Ide and S. Hayase.
2006 [35]
134. Fabrication of ion-paths for ionic liquid type quasi-solid dye? sensitized solar cell -Nano-interface control for high conversion efficiencies; T. Kado, , T. Kato, K. Kogo, F. Inakazu, Y. Noma, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono, S. Hayase; MRS Fall Meeting, Boston USA, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2006.
133. High performance materials for organic/hybrid dye sensitized photovoltaics; Shuzi Hayase; Plastic Electronics, Frankfurt, France, Oct. 24-25, 2006.
Japan Polymer Society Meeting?,?Toyama? University,?Sept 20-22, 2006.
132. Quasi-solid state dye sensitized solar cells based on ionic liquids and straight ionic paths; Shuzi Hayase, T. Kato and S. Tanaka.
131. Quasi solid state dye sensitized solar cells using straight conducting paths and hybrid electrolytes; S. Hayase, T. Kato, F. Inakazu and K. Okada.
42nd ECSJ Fall Meeting; Doshisha University,?Sept 14-15, 2006.
130. Electrochemiluminiscence devices based on TiO2 nano hole array thin film; K. Ide, M. Fujimoto, R. Masumoto and Shuzi Hayase.??
129. Efficiency enhancement of quasi solid state dye sensitized solar cells having ionic paths; T. Kato, S. Tanaka, Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi, T. Kado and Shuzi Hayase. ;
128. High performance dye sensitized solar cells bearing flattened substrates; Y. Yoshida, T. Tokashiki, Y. Kubota, R. Shiratsuchi and Shuzi Hayase.
127. Dye sensitized solar cells consisted of TiO2 electrode equipped with current collecting electrode; Y. Ogomi, K. Hirano, D. Ogata, Y. Yoshida, R. Shiratsuchi and Shuzi Hayase.
126. Increasing the performance of low temperature processed dye sensitized solar cells by dye adsorption under pressurized CO2 condition; S. Sakaguchi, Y. Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase.
125. High performance dye sensitized solar cells based on selective dye adsorption; Y. Ogomi, K. Ide, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
124. Dye sensitized solar cells fabricated with Nb doped TiO2 nano wires; T. Beppu, T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
123. Recent study on dye sensitized solar cells in Kyushu Institute of Technology; Shuzi Hayase, Pusan South Korea, Sept 22, 2006.
122. Efficiency enhancement of dye sensitized solar cells fabricated by decreasing the surface traps of nanoporous TiO2; T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and Shuzi Hayase, ?Japan Photochemical Society Meeting, Sendai, Sept. 10-12, 2006.
67th?JSAP Fall Meeting; Ritsumeiken? University,?Aug. 29 - Sept 1, 2006.?
121. Dye sensitized solar cells fabricated with porous alumina, PEDOT/PSS and ionic liquid composite charge transporter; F. Inakazu, T. Kato, T. Kogo, S. Hayase, W. Takashima and K. Kaneto.
120. Electronic trap distribution of TiO2 film in dye sensitized solar cells; T. Kado, Y. Noma, Y. Ogomi, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
119. Performance enhancement of dye sensitized solar cells focusing on TiO2 semiconductor electrode; Y. Ogomi, T. Kado, K. Ide, R. Shiratsuchi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
43rd?Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting, Kitakyushu International Conference Centre, Kokura, July 8, 2006.
118. Synthesis of dyes towards their application for Electrochemiluminiscence; J. Sato, M. Fujimoto, S. Yamaguchi, T. Shiraishi, K. Ide, M. Fujimoto and Shuzi Hayase.
117. a).Increasing the performance of Electrochemiluminiscent cells bearing nanoporous electrode.; K. Ide,M. Fujimoto, T. Kado, S. Okamoto and Shuzi Hayase.
117. b).Characterization of TiO2 thin film fabricated by arc plasma gun; Y. Yoshida and Shuzi Hayase.
116. Preparation of Electrochemiluminiscent cells fabricated with Titania nano tubes;, R. Masumoto,? M. Fujimoto and Shuzi Hayase.
115. Performance enhancement of quasi solid state dye sensitized solar cells by ion path creation; T. Kato, S. Tanaka, Y. Ogomi, T. Beppu, T. Kado, S. Sakaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.?
114. Development of dye sensitized solar cells based on inorganic semiconducting materials; T. Kogo, T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, T. Kato, S. Sakaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
113. Fabrication of high efficiency dye sensitized solar cells by electrolyte optimization; S. Tanaka, Y. Ogomi, T. Kato, T. Kado, S. Sakaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
112. Fuel cells consisted of nanoporous TiO2; T. Shiraishi, Y. Tejima, Namshin Park, T. Kado, R. Shiratsuchi and Shuzi Hayase.
111. Investigations pertaining to performance enhancement of the dye sensitized solar cells; K. Hirano, T. Kato, T. Kado, S. Sakaguchi, Y. Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase.
110. FABRICATION OF ION-PATHS FOR IONIC LIQUIDTYPE QUASI-SOLID DYE SENSITIZED SOLAR CELL; Shuzi Hayase, Takehito Kato, Akio Okazaki, International Conference on Photochemical conversion and storage of solar energy, Uppsala, Sweden, July 2-7, 2006.
109. Dye sensitized solar cells ?aiming at high efficiency cell; Shuzi Hayase, Yuhei Ogomi, Shohei Sakaguchi, Mitsuru Kono, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii,?May 7-12, 2006.?
73rd?ECSJ Spring? Meeting, Tokyo Metropolitan University, April 1-3, 2006.?
108. Ionic liquid type dye sensitized solar cells bearing porous alumina as electrolytic film; T. Kato, T. Okazaki,?S. Tanaka, Y. Ogomi, T. Beppu, T. Kado, W. Takashima, K. Kanto and Shuzi Hayase.
107. Preparation of intra cell tandem dye sensitized solar cells; Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
106. Increasing the performance of Electrochemiluminescence assisted by nano pore; K. Ide, M. Fujimoto, T. Kogo,??T. Shiraishi, R. Masumoto, J. Sato, S. Okamoto, M. Takenouchi and Shuzi Hayase.
105. Fuel cells fabricated with nanoporous TiO2 electrode; T. Shiraishi, Y. Tejima, T. Kado, N-S Park, R. Shiratsuchi and Shuzi Hayase.
86th Japan Chemical Society ?Meeting ,?Nihon??University, March 27-30, 2006.
104. Performance enhancement of quasi solid state dye sensitized solar cells having fabricated ionic paths; T. Kato, A. Okazaki, S. Tanaka, Y. Ogomi, T. Beppu, T. Kado, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
103. Investigation of efficiency enhancement of ionic liquid type dye sensitized solar cells based on simulation results; T. Oda, S. Tanaka and Shuzi Hayase.??
102. Intra cell tandem dye sensitized solar cells fabricated using selective adsorption of dyes under critical CO2 atmosphere; Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kono and S. Hayase.
101. Increasing the efficiency of Electrochemiluminescence through nanopore approach; M. Fujimoto, J. Sato, T. Shiraishi, K. Ide, R. Masumoto, T. Kado, S. Okamoto, M. Takenouchi and Shuzi Hayase.
53rd? JSAP Spring Meeting , Aoyama Gakuin University, March 20-23, 2006.
100. Increasing the luminance of electrochemiluminiscent devices bearing porous alumina film as anode; M. Fujimoto, K. Ide, J. Sato, T. Shiraishi, R. Masumoto, T. Kado and Shuzi Hayase.
2005 [57]
Pacifichem. Hawaii, 12/19
99. Quasi-solid Electrochemiluminescence devices with bi-continuous structures consisting of nano-porous TiO2 and quasi-solidified electrolytes; S. Yamaguchi, M. Takenouchi, S. Okamoto, T. Kado, S. Hayase
98. Solidification of ionic liquid-type dye sensitized solar cells with high energy conversion efficiency and ionic diffusions in nano-pores in TiO2 layers; T. Oda, T. Kado, A. Okazaki, S. Hayase
West Japan Chemical Society ?Meeting ,?Yamaguchi?University, October?22-23,?2005.
97. Characteristics of transistor fabricated with nano TiO2;??T. Tokashiki,, Y. Yoshida, T. Kado, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
96. Electrochemiluminescence devices bearing nanoporous TiO2 and its?solidification S. Yamaguchi, S. Okamoto, M. Fujimoto, K. Ide, T. Kogo, J. Sato; T. Shiraishi, R. Masumoto, T. Kado and Shuzi Hayase.?
95. Investigation of thin film TiO2 photo electrode preparation using ESD method; M. Fujimoto, T. Kado, K. Kaneto, W. Takashima and Shuzi Hayase.
94. Surface trap distribution of nano TiO2 layer used for dye sensitized solar cells; T. Kado, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi, H. Hirayama and Shuzi Hayase.
93. Increasing the efficiency of dye sensitized solar cells by the flattening of transparent conducting layer; Y. Kubota, Y. Ogomi, T. Tokashiki,, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi, R. Shiratsuchi, K. Kaneto, W. Takashima and Shuzi Hayase;
92. Tandem dye sensitized solar cells based on dye adsorption under pressurized CO2 condition; S. Sakaguchi, Y. Ogomi, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
91. Simulation of dye sensitized solar cells taking bulk electrolyte layer in to consideration;?T. Oda, S. Tanaka and Shuzi Hayase.
90. Quasi solid state dye sensitized solar cells based on ionic liquids; Nanomaterials based?quasi solid electrolyte containing liquid crystalline long alkyl imidazolium salt; T. Okazaki, T. Kato, Y. Ogomi, T. Beppu, S. Tanaka, T. Kado and Shuzi Hayase.
89. Quasi-Solid Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with Ionic Liquid Type Gel Electrolytes; S. Tanaka , T. Beppu,Y. Ogomi, A. Okazaki, T. Kado, T. Kato and S. Hayase; Electrochemical Society Meeting, Los Angeles, October 16-21, 2005.
Pusan-Kyeongnam Joint Symposium on High Polymers (12th) and Fibers (10th). Kyushu-Seibu, Kitakyushu International Conference Center Kitakyushu, October 3-5, 2005.
88. ”Increase in Electrochemiluminescence in nanopores” Kenichi Ide, Makoto Fujimoto, Seiichi Okamoto, Satoshi Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase
87. Shuhei Tanaka, Takehito Kato, Yuhei Ogomi, Akio Okazaki, Takayuki Beppu, Takasi Kado, Shuzi Hayase; Dye sensitized solar cells containing high solid gel electrolytes.
86. Shuhei Tanaka, Takehito Kato, Yuhei Ogomi, Akio Okazaki, Takayuki Beppu, Takasi Kado, Shuzi Hayase; ”Dye sensitized solar cells containing high solid gel electrolytes”
85. Ryuichi Masumoto, Makoto Fujimoto, Seiichi Okamoto, Satoshi Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase ”Quasi-solidification of Electrochemiluminescence devices”
84. High performance dye-sensitized solar cells by use of planar substrate; Shinya Tokashiki, Yukifumi Kubota, Yuhei Ogomi, Takehito Kato, Makato Fujimoto, Takashi Kado, Wataru Takashima, Ryuichi Shiratsuchi, Keiichi Kaneto, Shuji Hayase ”
83. Dye sensitized solar cells fabricated by low temperature baking-Preparation of ion-diffusion paths in TiO2 layers; Hiroyuki Yanagida, Kuniko Soeda, Daisuke Haruki, Makoto Fujimoto, Keiichi Kaneto, Wataru Takashima and Shuzi Hayase
82. Dye sensitized solar cells fabricated by using super critical CO2 fluid; Yuhei Ogomi, Shohei Sakaguchi, Shuhei Tanaka, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Mitsuru Kono and Shuzi Hayase.
81. Performance Simulation for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells-The Effects of Ionic Diffusion in Nano-pores-Toshihiro Oda, Shigenori Tanaka and Shuzi Hayase.
2nd Next generation solar cells and solar energy production systems Symposium;?Paruru Plaza, Gifu, Sept. 29-30, 2005.
80. Research activities pertaining to the enhancement of efficiency of dye sensitized solar cells; R. Shiratsuchi, M. Kono, Y. Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
Photochemical Society Symposium, Across Fukuoka, Sept. 12-14, 2005.
79. Electrochemiluminiscent devices fabricated with layered nano TiO2 crystals; T. Fujimoto, J. Sato, S. Takenouchi, S. Okamoto, T. Kado and Shuzi Hayase.
International Conference on Polymer Chemistry Fukuoka, July 28-?, 2005.?
78. Quasi-solid dye sensitized solar cells with high PV performance; Shuzi Hayase.
42nd?Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting, Kitakyushu International Conference Centre, Kokura, July 1, 2005.
77. Simulation of bulk electrolyte layer in dye sensitized solar cells; T. Oda, S. Tanaka and Shuzi Hayase.
76. Preparation of solid state dye sensitized solar cells using CuI; K. Soeda,?K. Negoro, Y. Ogomi, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
75. High efficiency dye sensitized solar cells bearing flattened substrate; Y. Kubota, T. Tokashiki, Y. Ogomi, T. Kato, T. Kado, M. Fujimoto, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, R. Shiratsuchi, K. Yamashita and Shuzi Hayase.
74. Influence of Nb doping of TiO2 layer in dye sensitized solar cells; S. Yamaguchi, T. Beppu, T. Kado, K. Yoshizuka, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.??
73. Performance enhancement of dye sensitized solar cells by dye adsorption under CO2 atmosphere and blocking molecules; Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi, T. Kado, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, K. Yamashita and Shuzi Hayase.
72. Gel electrolyte based dye sensitized solar cells containing nano particle bound ionic liquids; T. Okazaki, T. Kado, T. Kato, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
71. Quasi solid state dye sensitized solar cells bearing electrolyte precursor containing surfactant ionic liquid gels; Y. Teshima, T. Kato, T. Okazaki, Y. Ogomi, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, K. Yamashita and Shuzi Hayase.
70. Low temperature processed dye sensitized solar cells-Creation of ion path at low temperature; H. Yanagida, K. Soeda, D. Haruki, M. Fujimoto, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
69. Dye sensitized solar cells prepared by electro spray method; M. Fujimoto, T. Kado, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
68. Development and characterization of nanoporous TiO2 containing novel surfactant; T. Beppu, K. Yoshizuka,, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
67. Characteristics of TiO2 based FETs; Y. Yoshida, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
66. Electrical characteristics of thin films TiO2 nano particle; T. Tokashiki,, Y. Yoshida, T. Kado, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
65. AC Electrochemiluminescence in devices containing TiO2 nanocrystalline assembly; S. Takenouchi, S. Okamoto, T. Kado and Shuzi Hayase.
Japan Polymer Society Meeting?,?Yokohama, ?May 25-27, 2005
64. TiO2 surface distribution changes in dye sensitized solar cells; T. Kado, K. Yamashita, Shuzi Hayase and H. Hirayama.??
63. Dye sensitized solar cells based on gel electrolyte prepared with nano particles with ionic liquid; T. Okazaki, T. Kado, T. Kato, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase?
62. Latent electrolyte? precursor?containing gel based quasi solid dye sensitized solar cells; T. Kato, T. Okazaki, Y. Ogomi, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase??
72nd?ECSJ Spring? Meeting,?Kumamoto?University, April 1-3, 2005.?
61. High Performance dye sensitized solar cells prepared with flat TCO substrate; T. Tokashiki,?, Y. Ogomi, Y. Kubota, T. Kato, T. Kado, M. Fujimoto, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, Shuzi Hayase, R. Shiratsuchi and K. Yamashita.
60. Investigation pertaining to the mechanism of luminance enhancement in electrochemiluminiscent devices TiO2 nano crystalline assemblies; S. Okamoto, S. Takenouchi and Shuzi Hayase.?
59. Investigation of TiO2 particle and SnO2 surface for Dye sensitized solar cells ; R. Shiratsuchi, 早樋 大輔,Y. Takatsu, T. Okubo, Y. Kubota and Shuzi Hayase.
58. Simulation of bulk electrolyte layer for dye sensitized solar cells; T. Oda, S. Hayase and S. Tanaka.
57. Low temperature processed dye sensitized solar cells-construction of ionic path at low temperature; H. Yanagida,?K. Soeda, D. Haruki,??W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
56. Latent? ionic liquid precursor for quasi solid dye sensitized solar cells; T. Kato, T. Okazaki, Y. Ogomi, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto. K. Yamashita and Shuzi Hayase.??
55. Gel electrolyte prepared with directly ionic liquid bound nano particles for dye sensitized solar cells; T. Okazaki, T. Kado, T. Kato, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Shuzi Hayase.
54. Reasons and influence of ionic liquid electrolytes on the performance of dye sensitized solar cells-Relationship between diffusion coefficient and cell performance in Nb doped TiO2 dye sensitized solar cells; T. Beppu, S. Yamaguchi, T. Kado, K. Yoshizuka,, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, K. Yamashita?and Shuzi Hayase.??
53. Electron transport analysis in dye sensitized solar cells based on thermally stimulated current measurement; T. Kado, K. Yamashita,?H. Hirayama and Shuzi Hayase.
52. Dye adsorption under critical CO2, adsorption of blocking molecules and performance of dye sensitized solar cells; Y. Ogomi, S. Sakaguchi, T. Kado,? W. Takashima, K. Kaneto K. Yamashita?and Shuzi Hayase.?
52nd?JSAP Spring Meeting , Saitama University, March 29-31, 2005
51. Investigation of mechanism luminance enhancement devices based on TiO2 nano crystalline assembly; S. Okamoto, S. Takenouchi and Shuzi Hayase.
50. Quasi solid state dye sensitized solar cells bearing latent ionic electrolyte gel precursors; T. Kato, T. Okazaki, Y. Ogomi, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto K. Yamashita?and Shuzi Hayase.?
49. Electronic?transport analysis in dye sensitized solar cells based on thermally stimulated current measurements; T. Kado, K. Yamashita and Shuzi Hayase,
48. Dye sensitized solar cell performance enhancement by making the transparent conducting oxide layer flat; Y. Ogomi, T. Tokashiki, K. Yamashita, R. Shiratsuchi, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto?and Shuzi Hayase.???
85th Japan Chemical Society ?Meeting ,?Kanagawa?University, March 26-29, 2005
47. Performance evaluation of dye sensitized solar cells by adsorbing the dyes under pressurized CO2 atmosphere and adsorption of blocking molecules; S. Sakaguchi, T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto K. Yamashita?and Shuzi Hayase.?
46. High performance dye sensitized solar cells fabricated on flattened substrates; Y. Kubota, T. Tokashiki, Y. Ogomi, T. Kato, T. Kado, M. Fujimoto, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, R. Shiratsuchi, K. Yamashita?and Shuzi Hayase.?
45. Investigation of improvement of luminance and its mechanism in Electroluminescent cells bearing electrodes containing TiO2 nano crystal assemblies; Shuzi Hayase, S. Okamoto and S. Takenouchi.
44. Dye sensitized solar cells based on gel electrolyte consisted of nano particle bound with ionic liquids; A. Okazaki, T. Kato, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto??and Shuzi Hayase.?
43. Latent ionic liquid precursor based quasi solid dye sensitized solar cells; T. Kato, T. Okazaki, Y. Ogomi, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, K. Yamashita?and Shuzi Hayase.???
Third international conference on molecular electronics and bioelectronics. National center of sciences, Tokyo, Japan, March 3-4, 2005.
42. Quasi-solid dye sensitized solar cells and electrochemical luminescence cells having accumulated TiO2 nanoparticles; S. Hayase, T. Kato, A. Okazaki, S. Okamoto, K. Soeda, T. Kato, T. Kado, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto
2004 [14]
Japan Polymer Society Meeting?,?Hokkaido? University, ?Sept 15-17, 2004.
41. Quasi solidification of dye sensitized solar cells-Electrolyte consisting of latent gelation materials; Shuzi Hayase, T. Kato, M. Fujimoto, Y. Ogomi, T. Okazaki, T. Kado, W. Takashima and K. Kaneto.?
40. Flat Electrochemiluminescence devices having luminance enhanced by TiO2 nano pores; Shuzi Hayase, S. Okamoto, K. Soeda, T. Kato, T. Kado and A. Yanagida.
?41st?Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting, Kitakyushu International Conference Centre, Kokura, July 7, 2004.
40. Proposal of simultaneous creation of electronic and ionic paths by doctor balding and electrospray methods for TiO2 application; K. Kamata, K. Negoro, K. Soeda, K. Kaneto, W. Takashima and K. Kaneto.
39. Low temperature processing of porous TiO2 layer for the fabrication of plastic solar cells; K. Soeda, D. Kosugi, Y. Ogomi and Shuzi Hayase.
38. Characteristics of dye sensitized solar cells prepared with TiO2 synthesized using surfactants; T. Beppu, D. Kosugi, T. Kado and Shuzi Hayase.
37. Proposal of construction of simultaneous electronic and ionic paths in side the dye sensitized solar cells; K. Negoro,K. Kamata,D. Kosugi, K. Kaneto, W. Takashima and Shuzi Hayase.
36. Efficiency enhancement of dye sensitized solar cells by light entrapment; Y. Ogomi, T. Oda, T. Kado and Shuzi Hayase.
205th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society?,San Antonio, USA, May 10-12, 2004.
35. Improvement of Energy Conversion Efficiencies for Quasi-Solid Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; M. Fujimoto, T. Kado, T. Kato, S. Sakaguchi, D. Kosugi, R. Shiratuchi, and S. Hayase
IPS-15, Faculte de Pharmacle, Paris University, Paris
34. Low temperature fabrication of dye sensitized solar cells and transparent electrochemiluminiscent cells; S. Hayase, S. Okamoto, Y. Ogomi, T. Iyoda, T. Akiyaka, S.Yamada, Y. Yamada, M. Yamaguchi
84th Japan Chemical Society ?Meeting ,?Kansai Gakuin, University, March 26-29, 2004.
33. Research pertaining to gel electrolyte combinations providing efficiency enhancement of quasi solid dye dye sensitized solar cells; T. Fujimoto, T. Kato, S. Okamoto, S. Sakaguchi, D. Kosugi, T. Kado, W. Takashima,? K. Kaneto, R. Shiratsuchi,? G. Nogami? and Shuzi Hayase.
32. Enhancement of Electrochemiluminescence facilitated by incorporation of TiO2 nano crystal assemblies in the electrode; Shuzi Hayase, T. Kato, K. Soeda, T. Ioda and S. Okamoto.
71st ECSJ Spring? Meeting,?Keio University, March 24-26, 2004.
31. Influence and analysis of electrolyte compositions on the efficiency of quasi solid dye sensitized solar cells cells; T. Kato, M. Fujimoto, S. Okamoto, S. Sakaguchi, D. Kosugi, T. Kado, Y. Ogomi and W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, R. Shiratsuchi, G. Nogami and Shuzi Hayase.
30. Enhancement of solar cells characteristics and analysis based on TiO2 surface control; S. Sakaguchi,? D. Kosugi, T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, H. Ueki, K. Kaneto, W. Takashima and Shuzi Hayase.
29. Low temperature processing of TiO2 by low speed electron beam evaporation aiming towards plastic dye sensitized solar cells; T. Kado, S. Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
28. Enhancement of Electrochemiluminescence by incorporating the TiO2 nano crystal assemblies in the electrode; S. Okamoto, T. Kato, K. Soeda, Shuzi Hayase and T. Ioda.
2003 [27]
Japan Polymer Society Meeting?,?Yamaguchi University, ?Sept 24-26, 2003.
27. Bromomethylbenzene assisted counter electrode modification and solar cell characteristics; S. Sakaguchi, T. Kato, T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yoshida, Shuzi Hayase, K. Kaneto and W. Takashima.
26. Increasing the performance of quasi solid dye sensitized solar cells; Selection of bases having no obstruction of the gelation; S. Murai, S. Mikoshiba, Sumino and Shuzi Hayase.
25. Electrochemical preparation of TiO2 and dye sensitized solar cells; R. Shiratsuchi, H. Nakayama, Shuzi Hayase and C.R. Rajeshwar Krishnan.
24. Dye sensitized solar cells consisted of room temperature milting conducting polymers as counter electrode; Y. Shibata, Shuzi Hayase, W. Takashima and K. Kaneto.
23. Relationship between solar cell characteristics and structure of high performance gel electrolyte in quasi solid dye sensitized solar cells containing room temperature liquid gel; Shuzi Hayase, T. Kado, T. Kato, H. Shibata,? H. Ueki, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and R. Shiratsuchi.
22. Increasing the performance of quasi solid dye sensitized solar cells by addition of bases having no hindrance on the gelation behavior; T. Kato, M. Fujimoto, S. Okamoto, S. Sakaguchi, T. Kado, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, Shuzi Hayase, R. Shiratsuchi and G. Nogami.
21. Preparation of Thin film nanoporous TiO2 based on 電線一括照射 and its application towards dye sensitized solar cells; T. Kado,? H. Watanabe, Y. Yamada, S. Yamaguchi and Shuzi Hayase.
64th JSAP Fall Meeting, ?Fukuoka ?University, ?August 30-Sept 2nd, 2003. ?
20. Counter electrode treatment and solar cell characteristics by the bromethyl benzene derivatives; S. Sakaguchi, T. Kato,? T. Kado, Y. Ogomi, Y. Yoshida, K. Kaneto, W. Takashima and Shuzi Hayase.
19. Improvement of photovoltaic performance for ionic liquid type dye sensitized solar cells by modifying the nano TiO2/electrolyte interface; T. Kato, D. Kosugi, S. Sakaguchi, H. Ueki, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto, Shuzi Hayase, R. Shiratsuchi and G. Nogami.?
18. Performance of dye sensitized solar cells equipped with ionic liquid electrolytes and PEDOT coated counter electrodes; Y. Shibata, K. Kaneto, W. Takashima and Shuzi Hayase.??
17. Quasi solid dye sensitized solar cells bearing conducting polymers as counter electrode; Shuzi Hayase, Y. Shibata, T. Kado, W. Takashima and K. Kaneto.
16. Increasing the performance of quasi solid dye sensitized solar cells consisted of gelated ionic liquids; Hayase Shuzi, S. Sakaguchi, T. Kato. T. Kado, Y. Yoshida, Y. Ogomi, M. Fujimoto, S. Okamoto, R. Shiratsuchi and G. Nogami.?
SPIE Annual meeting 2003, Organic Photovoltaics IV, San Diego, USA.
15. Quasi-solid dye sensitized solar cells-Control of TiO2/gel electrolyte interface; S. Hayase, H. Sumino, S. Murai, S. Mikoshiba?
XXI th International Conference on photochemistry , Nara, Japan, 7/26
14. Chemically cross-linked quasi-solid dye sensitized solar cells filled with ionic liquids -Control of nano-porous TiO2/electrolyte and counter electrodes/electrolyte interfaces; S. Hayase, H. Ueki, T. Kado, K. Kamata, S. Sakaguchi, H. Shibata, K. Soeda, R. Shiratsuchi, G. Nogami, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto -
40th Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting, Kitakyushu International Conference Centre, Kokura, July 6, 2003.
13. Enhancing the performance of ionic liquid type dye sensitized solar cells based nano TiO2 surface treatment; H. Ueki, T. Kato, D. Kosugi, S. Sakaguchi, K. Soeda, Shuzi Hayase, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto.
12. Plastic dye sensitized solar cells fabricated with low temperature processed TiO2; H. Watanabe, T. Kado, K. Soeda, Shuzi Hayase, R. Shiratsuchi, G. Nogami, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto.
11. Increasing the performance of ionic liquid type dye sensitized solar cells by controlling the the TiO2/electrolyte interface; T. Kato, S. Sakaguchi, H. Ueki, Shuzi Hayase,? W. Takashima, K. Kaneto.
10. Preparation of low temperature processed dye sensitized solar cells; H. Nakayama,M. Oku, R. Shiratsuchi, G. Nogami and Shuzi Hayase.
9. Fabrication and characterization of dye sensitized solar cell prepared by electro deposition; T. Akiyoshi,J. Yamamoto, R. Shiratsuchi, G. Nogami and Shuzi Hayase.
8. Dye sensitized solar cell consisted of conducting polymer and ionic liquid; Y. Shibata, Shuzi Hayase, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto.
70th ECSJ Spring Meeting, ?Tokyo Institute of Technology, ?April 1-3, 2003.
7. Controlling the nano TiO2/electrolyte interface towards increasing the efficiency of ionic liquid type dye sensitized solar cells; T. Kato, S. Sakaguchi, T. Kado, H. Ueki, Shuzi Hayase, R. Shiratsuchi, G. Nogami.
6. Conducting polymer and ionic liquid based dye sensitized solar cells; Y. Shibata, Shuzi Hayase, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto.
5. Fabrication and application of nanoporous TiO2 prepared with Titanyl liquid; R. Shiratsuchi,? J. Yamamoto, H. Nakayama, G. Nogami and Shuzi Hayase.
50th ?JSAP Spring Meeting , Kanagawa University, March 27-30, 2003.
4. Efficiency enhancement of dye sensitized solar cells by controlling the nano crystalline TIO2/electrolyte interface; H. Ueki, T. Kado, T. Kato, K. Kamata, D. Kosugi, S. Sakaguchi, Y. Shibata, K. Soeda, H. Watanabe and Shuzi Hayase;
83th Japan Chemical Society ?Meeting ,?Waseda University, Tokyo, March 18-21, 2003.
3. Improvement in the performance of dye sensitized solar cells employing the molten salts; S. Sakaguchi, H. Ueki, T. Kato and Shuzi hayase.
2. Characteristics of low temperature processed dye sensitized solar cells by controlling the TiO2 particle surface; T. Kado, H. Watanabe, K. Soeda, D. Kosugi, K. Kamata, Shuzi hayase, R. Shiratsuchi and G. Nogami.
1. Dye sensitized solar cells based on conducting polymer and ionic liquid; Y. Shibata, Shuzi Hayase, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto.