Functional Interface Engineering as a solution-seeking endeavor
We at the Professor Haruyama Laboratory consider solution-seeking, in which basic research and technological development for the attainment of specific objectives are promoted, as the core of our research philosophy.

The following figure shows the spectrum of the research activities being pursued by the research group headed by Professor Haruyama. We are engaged in various research activities in the field of bioelectronics. For example, in order to create interfaces for molecular information conversion, which make it possible to transduce signals between moleculars/cells and electronic devices, research must be conducted along interdisciplinary lines of thought; examples of such research topics are molecular modification (or molecular design), the design/creation of molecular layers at the interface between solid and liquid, and the application of electonic device functions. This can be done through research and development activities based on the results of our own basic research, which has made the most of the wide range of expertise and technology in such field as organic/inorganic chemistry, molecular design, electrochemistry, electronics and biogenetics.

In order to conduct research in a consistent manner from basic research to development research directly linked to a specific objective, it is necessary to set a clear target. This is the philosophy of solution-seeking in research. We engage in research activities only after making sure that the envisioned new technology are needed in society or by the industry (many such needs are revealed through discussion with or proposals from people who are in the position to know), and after drawing a road map from basic research to the full and direct development of the new technologies.

We think that such research in laboratories which also serve as educaional facilities will greatly contribute to the creation of new technologies and to the fostering of engineers and researchers who can detect and solve specific problems.

Through this approach, we have engaged in various studies and have obtained good results. Some of the contents of our studies are convered on our homepage in detail. Please click the botton on the left which leads to descriptions of the major contents of our studies.