Pandey laboratory is involved in the cuttting edge research aiming towards the identification of intriguing problems pertaining to green energy and electronics along with search for their  amicable solutions through the innovative research ideas. If you are determined to work hard and ready to shake hands with us my lab welcomes whole heartedly and ready to give all the possible supports !!!

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Beautiful & Aesthetic Solar Cells,              Flexible Electronic Devics,              High Sensitivity Biosensors


In our laboratory, we focus on design & development of functional materials, fabrication & characterization of organic electronic devices and next generation futuristic solar cells having lower cost and less environmental impact. We strongly believe that students having backgrounds in material synthesis, material characterization, electrical & electronics engineering along with information science are suitable and can expand their horizon by inter-disciplinary research.  

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Recent News & Updates from Pandey Laboratory!
Two new regular PhD students Harshita Rai and Anuska Tyagi along with a visitng student from IIT-Indore Pritika Singh joined my laboratoty from October, 2024. Welcome to the Pandely Laboratory and I strong believe that you will enjouy your education and research in this laboratory. Best of luck to you all for your bright future. 
Graduation Party of Pandey Lab graduating members was held at new Indian Restaurant "Masala master" from 7-9 PM on September 25, 2024. It was really and enjoying and memorable party
Autumn Gradutaion Ceremony of Kyutech was condcuted on September 25, 2024, where two PhD students Saikiran and Shubham and one MTech student Ms Izyan were awarded with there respetive Master and Doctoral Degrees. Congratulations Dr. Shubham Sharma, Dr Saikiran and Ms Izyan !. Pandey laboratory wish you all a bright future.
SSP participated in the IEICE Symposium on "Frontiers of New Biosensing Technology" held at Nippon Institute of Technology, Saitama from September 9-11, 2024, where not only he delivered his reserach talk but also was involved in the special seesion organization.
Ms Izyan successfully finished her final MTech thesis defence on August 19, 2024. Congratulations !
Two students Mr. Shubham Sharma  and Mr. Saikiran andsuccessfully Completed their Final PhD Thesis Defence on dated July 22 and 24, 2024, respectively. Congratulations ! We wish you both a bright future.
Participation and Presentation by PL members in the THE THIRTY-FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON
) held at Ryukoku University Fukakusa Campus Jojukan, Kyoto, Japan from July 2-5, 2024.
Five students from PL presented their reserach work in the 61st Kyushu Branch Chemical Society Meeting held at Kikura International Conference Center on June 29, 2024.
Partcipation and Presentation by Pandey Laboratory Students in the 13th International Symposium on Organic Molecular Electronics (ISOME 2024) held at Advanced ICT Research Institute, National Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Kobe, Japan on May 29 - 31, 2024. Eight studendts from PL partcipated and presented their reserach Works in this Conference.
Two students Mr. Shubham Sharma  and Mr. Saikiran andsuccessfully accomplished their PhD Thesis pre-defence on dated May 20 and June 6, 2024, respectively. Congratulations !
Online participation of SSP on May 2nd, 2024 for inaugerating faculty development program of Vellore Institute of Technology, India and delivered by inaugeral KEYNOTE Lecture.
Welcome Party for the newly joined students and farewell party of Ms Sidhi from IIT Indore was organized on April 5th, 2024.
Four new Master course students Hamamoto Ikki,  Ono Rikuto, Omura Ryosuke and Someya Ryunosuke joined Pandey Laboratoty on April 4, 2024. Welcome to the Pandely Laboratory and I strong believe that you will enjouy your education and research in this laboratory. Best of luck to you all for your bright future. 
Graduation Ceremony of Kyutech for graduating students in Spring 2024 was held successfully in face-to-face after long time. Two of students of Pandey Laboratory Mr. Safalmani Pradhan (PhD) and Mr. Kota Mori (MTech)  graduated this time. In this, Kota Mori also received the best Master Thesis Presentation Award from the Green Electronics Department of LSSE also. Congratualtions Kota Mori and Safalamani Pradhan!!! Best of luck to you both for your bright future. 
SSP delivered his Inaugeral KEYNOTE LECTURE entitled Amicable Approaches for Immense Solar Energy Harvesting by Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells at the International Conference IC-ASTSDG-2024, AKS University, Satna, MP India held from March 11-12, 2024.
Mr. HUGO GROUSSIN  from ENSEIRB-MATMECA of Bordeaux Institute of Technology, France joined the Pandey Laborratory from 8th March 2024 as internship student. He will be staying in the lab for 6 months. Welcome to PL and hope you will not only enjoy your stay but also do wonderful and fruitful research.
Safalmani Pradhan made his successful public defense for his final PhD Thesis Presentation on dated Feb. 8th , 2024. Congratulations Safalmani!
SSP delivered his Inaugeral KEYNOTE LECTURE entitled Tailoring the Functional Materials and & Device Architecture for Low-Cost and Immense Solar Energy Harvesting at the January 30-31, 2024. In this conference many Pandey lab students made their oral presentation and two students from our laboratory Ms Harshita Rai and Mr Nisarg Hirens Purabiarao received best presenation award for their excellent research work. Welldone Harshita and Nisarg ! Keep it up !!!
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