尤 彩虹(D2)
- C. You, T. Miyazaki, E. Ishida, M. Ashizuka, C. Ohtsukiand M.
Tanihara, "Apatite Deposition on Organic-inorganic Hybrids
Synthesized from Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Various Metal Oxides",
17th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, New Orlens,
2004.12.8-12. (Bioceramics 17, ed. by P. Li, K. Zhang and
C.W. Colwell, Jr., Trans Tech Publications Ltd., Switzerland, pp.
469-472 (2005)に掲載)
- C. You, T. Miyazaki, E. Ishida, M. Ashizuka, C. Ohtsuki and M.
Tanihara, "Preparation of Bioactive Organic-inorganic Hybrids from
Poly(vinyl alcohol) by Modification with Various Metal Oxides and
Calcium Salt", 4th Asian BioCeramics Symposium, Kongju, Korea,
2004.9.6-8.(Archives of BioCeramics Research Vol. 4, ed.
by B.T. Lee, H.Y. Song, H.H. Lee, National Research Laboratory for
Ceramic Microstructure Control, Kongju National University, pp.
35-38 (2004)に掲載)
- 尤彩虹,宮崎敏樹,石田英一,芦塚正博,"ポリビニルアルコールを基材とする骨結合性ハイブリッド材料の創成,"
北九州医工学術者会議, 九州工業大学, 2004年10月8日.
- 尤彩虹, 宮崎敏樹, 石田英一, 芦塚正博, 大槻主税, 谷原正夫,
日本セラミックス協会2004年年会, 湘南工科大学, 2004年3月23-24日.
4rd Asian BioCeramics