【Laboratory Activity (This activity is just for around 1 month)】

6. We had a welcome party for our new students of Maeda laboratory!!!!!!(2019/4/8)
5. Mr. Abe, Mr. Kai, and Mr. Kitamura joined our laboratory as a new undergraduate student. In the total, 5 bachelor students are in our laboratory this fiscal year!!!(2019/4/5)
4. Mr. Shui joined our laboratory as a new master student!!!(2019/4/4)
3. Mr. Hoshiko continues the research activity as a Ph. D. student!!!(2019/4/4)
2. New Ph. D and master students attened to the entrance ceremony!!!(2019/4/4)
1. Ms. Phuong had the final presentation for Ph. D. degree!!!(2019/4/2)
80. Dr. Maeda introduced his research topic in the meeting of Yoshida Science and Education Foundation!!!(2019/3/29)
79. Ms. Kitamura and Mr. Harada received a Bachelor degree from Kyutech. Congratulations!!!(2019/3/25)
78. Mr. Toya, Ms. Moriya, Mr. Kazuo, and Ms. Misaki received a Bachelor degree from Kyutech. Congratulations!!!(2019/3/25)
77. Ms. Imabayashi, Ms. Nakao, Mr. Nishiyama, Mr. Hirano, and Mr. Hoshiko received a Master degree from Kyutech. Congratulations!!!(2019/3/25)
76. Dr. Maeda visited Thammasat University and had a joint activity for the future collaboration!!!(2019/3/21-22)
75. Dr. Maeda had an oral presentation in Kyushu University (Ito campus) for the activity of Sustainable Research for the Society of Biotechnology!!!(2019/3/18)
74. Dr. Maeda had an oral presentation in Universiti Putra Malaysia and had a meeting for the research collaboration!!!(2019/3/13-14)
73. Dr. Maeda, Mr. Fujie, and Mr. Toya had a presentation in the 53rd annual meeting in the Japan Society on Water Environment held at Kofu University!!!(2019/3/7-9)
72. Ms. Kitamura and Mr. Harada had the final presentation for their bachelor degree in the Tobata campus!!!(2019/3/1)
71. The presentation of Mr. Fujie was selected as one of the best presentations in the annual meeting 2018 of Kyushu-Okinaga branch in the Society on Water Environment!!!(2019/2/27)
70. Dr. Maeda, Mr. Hoshiko, Mr. Hirano, Mr. Fujie, and Mr. Toya had oral presentations in the annual meeting 2018 of Kyushu-Okinawa branch in the Society on Water Environment!!!(2019/2/27)
69. Mr. Toya, Ms. Moriya, Mr. Kazuo, and Ms. Misaki had the final presentation for their bachelor degree in the Iizuka campus!!!(2019/2/22)
68. Ms. Imabayashi, Ms. Nakao, Mr. Nishiyama, Mr. Hirano, and Mr. Hoshiko had the final presentation for their master degree in the Wakamatsu campus!!!(2019/2/20)
67. We introduced our laboratory to the participitants of Sakura Science Program under Dr. Ikeno!!!(2019/2/14)
66. Mr. Nishida had a research activity in the AnaMaria laboratory, UNAM!!!(2019/2/14-3/1)
65. Ms. Phuong had a middle-term presentation for Ph. D. degree!!!(2019/1/28)
64. Dr. Maeda visited Universiti Teknologi Malaysia together with Prof. Shimizu, Dr. Ando, and Dr. Takatsuji!!!(2019/1/24-25)
63. Ms. Diana who is one of the DDP students between UPM and Kyutech had a middle-term presentation for Ph. D. degree!!!(2019/1/22)
62. Dr. Maeda, Mr. Fujie, and Mr. Harada joined the acitivity of Prof. Shimizu program in Universiti Putra Malaysia!!!(2019/1/21-24)
61. Dr. Maeda visited Prof. Okinagaw laboratory, Osaka Dental University for the research collaboration!!!(2019/1/16)
60. We had a wellcome party for Ms. Koikawa and Ms. Taira along with a new-year party!!!(2019/1/7)
59. Dr. Maeda visited Prof. Yu laboratory, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences for the research collaboration!!!(2018/12/20-21)
58. The presentations of Mr. Chandra and Mr. Hoshiko were selected as one of the best poster presentations in SAES2018(2018/12/16)
57. Mr. Chandra, Ms. Imabayashi, Mr. Hoshiko, Mr. Fujie had a poster presentation in SAES2018!!!(2018/12/16)
56. Dr. Maeda and Dr. Asyifah had an oral presentation in SAES2018!!!(2018/12/16)
55. We had a research unit activity in SAES2018!!!(2018/12/15)
54. Dr. Maeda had an invited talk in the 8th annual meeting of Kyushu branch of Society of Biomaterial!!!(2018/12/14)
53. We introduced our laboratory to the participitants of Sakura Science Program under Prof. Nakato!!!(2018/12/13)
52. We had a Sakura Science activity with 7 visitors from Malaysia and 5 visitors from China (Farewll party and so on) !!!(2018/12/9-18)
51. We had a Sakura Science activity with 7 visitors from Malaysia and 5 visitors from China (Inbound activities) !!!(2018/12/9-18)
50. We had a Sakura Science activity with 7 visitors from Malaysia and 5 visitors from China (Outbound activities) !!!(2018/12/9-18)
49. Dr. Maeda attended a ceremony of research grant of Pfizer Health Research Foundation!!!(2018/12/8)
48. Dr. Maeda visited Kumamoto National College of Technology (Yatsushiro campus) for advertizing our graduate school of Kyutech!!!(2018/12/7)
47. Dr. Rafein and Dr. Yati had a research activity for joint-supervision program!!!(2018/12/3-17 and 12/11-17)
46. Ms. Koikawa and Ms. Taira joined our laboratory as a new member!!!(2018/12/3)
45. Ms. Phuong and Ms. Imabayashi had an oral presentation at the 25th annual meeting of Kyushu branch of the Soceity for Biotechnoloy!!!(2018/11/30-12/1)
44. Dr. Maeda visited Dr. Garcia-Contreras laboratory, UNAM for the research collaboration!!!(2018/11/22-24)
43. Ms. Phuong, Mr. Chandra, Ms. Imabayashi, and Mr. Hoshiko had a presentation in the student forum of Kyushu Branch of the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry!!!!!!(2018/11/17)
42. Ms. Imabayashi, Mr. Nishiyama, Mr. Hirano, Mr. Hoshiko, and Mr. Fujie had a poster presentation at the JKBT international symposium!!!(2018/11/12)
41. Dr. Maeda had an oral presentation at the JKBT international symposium!!!(2018/11/12)
40. Mr. Esau from UNAM joined Maeda laboratory as a JASSO-program student!!!(2018/11/7-12/19)
39. Dr. Maeda and Mr. Toya had a research activity in the area of Nakashibetu, Hokkaido!!!(2018/11/7-9)
38. Mr. Kazuo had a research activity under JASSO program in the laboratory of Dr. Zul and Dr. Nuzul, Universiti Putra Malaysia!!!(2018/11/1-12/5)
37. Dr. Maeda visited Prof. Wood laboraty, Pennsylvania State University for the research collaboration!!!(2018/10/25-27)
36. Mr. Hoshiko had a research activity in the laboratory of Prof. Wood, Penssylvania State University!!!(2018/10/24-11/14)
35. Ms. Hayashida had an oral presentation at the event of woman-engineering meeting in Tobata campus!!!(2018/10/20)
34. Mr. Harada had a research activity under JASSO program in the laboratory of Prof. Yu, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences!!!(2018/10/16-12/22)
33. Ms. Moriya had a research activity under JASSO program in the laboratory of Dr. Garcia-Contreras, UNAM!!!(2018/10/10-11/23)
32. We introduced our laboratory in the display booth of Eco-Technology Exhibition 2018!!!(2018/10/10-12)
31. Mr. Hoshiko had an oral presentation at a Kyushu branch meeting at the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry!!!(2018/9/21-22)
30. Mr. Toya, Ms. Moriya, Mr. Kazuo, and Ms. Misaki had a middle-term presentation in the Iizuka campus!!!(2018/9/21)
29. Ms. Vi received a Master degree from Kyutech. Congratulations!!!(2018/9/21)
28. Dr. Maeda had an oral presentation at the Kyutech Sanmoku meeting!!!(2018/9/20)
27. We had a joint seminar with Dr. Uchida (Ariake National College of Technology) and Dr. Tomizawa (Kumamoto National College of Technology)!!!(2018/9/13)
26. We had a farewell party for Vi san who is going to graudate Kyutech!!!(2018/9/11)
25. Softball competition in Wakamatsu campus was unfotunately cancelled but we went bowling and had a party with some of OB in Maeda lab!!!(2018/9/8)
24. Mr. Hoshiko had a presentation at the annual meeting of Biotechnology in Kansai University!!!(2018/9/5-7)
23. We had a farewell party for Ms. Hasliza who worked in our laboratory under JASSO program!!!(2018/8/28)
22. We attended a lecture provided by Dr. Norahim of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (in Tobata campus)!!!(2018/8/21)
21. Dr. Norahim of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia visited our laboratoy and some laboratories in the Wakamatsu campus, Kyutech!!!(2018/8/20)
20. Dr. Maeda joined the cerebration party of Prof. Ogawa who became 70 years old!!!(2018/8/11)
19. Ms. Vi had the final presentation for their master degree in the Wakamatsu campus!!!(2018/8/8)
18. Dr. Maeda had a joint activity in Universiti Putra Malaysia and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris!!!(2018/7/31-8/1)
17. Mr. Jiangwei joined Maeda laboratory as a JASSO-program student!!!(2018/7/3-3/28)
16. We introduced our laboratory to the participitants of Sakura Science Program under Dr. Shirosaki!!!(2018/7/5)
15. Ms. Hasliza from Universiti Putra Malaysia joined Maeda laboratory as a JASSO-program student!!!(2018/7/2-9/1)
14. We had a Sakura Science activity with 4 visitors from Malaysia (Activity in the farewell party)(2018/7/1-21)(2017/7/5-9/27)
13. We had a Sakura Science activity with 4 visitors from Malaysia (Activity with students)(2018/7/1-21)
12. We had a Sakura Science activity with 4 visitors from Malaysia (Activity in the program)(2018/7/1-21)
11. The presentation of Ms. Hayashida was selected as one of the best presentations in the 55th annual meeting of Kyushu chemistry-related societies!!!(2018/6/30)
10. Mr. Hoshiko, Ms. Hayashida, and Mr. Fujie had a poster presentation in the 55th annual meeting of Kyushu chemistry-related societies!!!(2018/6/30)
9. Mr. Hoshiko, Ms. Hayashida, and Mr. Fujie had a presentation in the annual meeting of Environmental Biotechnology in Tsukuba University!!!(2018/6/25-26)
8. Dr. Maeda and Ms. Moriya had a research activity in the area of Nakashibetu, Hokkaido!!!(2018/5/28-30)
7. Dr. Maeda had an invited talk in the 50th KoSFA international symposium!!!(2018/5/23-26)
6. Ms. Imabayashi, Ms. Nakao, Mr. Nishiyama, Mr. Hirano, and Mr. Hoshiko had a middle-term presentation to show their research progress for 1 year at our department!!!(2018/5/21)
5. We joined our open campus activity and explained our laboratory to the visitors!!!!!!(2018/5/19)
4. Dr. Maeda visited Kumamoto National College of Technology (Yatsushiro campus) for advertizing our graduate school of Kyutech!!!(2018/5/10)
3. We had a welcome party for our new students of Maeda laboratory!!!(2018/4/20)
2. Ms. Kitamura joined our laboratory as a new undergraduate student. In the total, 6 bachelor students are in our laboratory this fiscal year!!!(2018/4/5)
1. Mr. Chapol joined our laboratory as a new Ph. D. student!!!(2018/4/4)
0. New master students attened to the entrance ceremony!!!(2018/4/4)

(^ o ^) Other lab activities (^ o ^) Welcome to click this link!!!

【Update Information】
April 9, 2019: updated lab member and lab activity for 1 year
April 1, 2018: updated lab activity for 10 months
May 18, 2017: updated lab activity for 1 month
April 12, 2017: updated lab member and lab activity for 1 month
April 4, 2017: updated lab activity for 10 months
May 13, 2016: updated lab activity for 1 months
April 6, 2016: updated lab activity for 4 months
November 9, 2015: updated lab activity for 3 months
August 13, 2015: updated lab activity for 2 months
June 10, 2015: updated lab activity for 2 months
April 1, 2015: updated lab activity for 5 months
November 21, 2014: updated lab members and lab activity for 3 months
August 6, 2014: updated lab activity for 1 months
May 8, 2014: updated lab activity for 1 month
April 2, 2014: updated our new lab members and lab activity for 1 month
March 22, 2014: updated Maeda laboratory promotion DVD in our homepage
March 15, 2014: updated lab activity for 1 month
February 21, 2014: updated lab activity for 1 months
January 18, 2014: updated lab members and lab activity for 2 months
November 5, 2013: updated lab members and lab activity for 2 months
August 28, 2013: updated lab activity for 2 months
June 16, 2013: updated lab activity for 1 month
April 30, 2013: updated lab activity for 1 month
April 11, 2013: updated our new lab members
March 30, 2013: updated lab activity for 1 month
March 6, 2013: updated lab activity for 1 month
January 31, 2013: updated lab activity for 1 month
December 24, 2012: updated lab activity for 1 month
October 31, 2012: updated lab activity for 1 month
September 29, 2012: updated lab activity for 1 month
September 16, 2012: updated lab activity for 1 month and lab members
July 28, 2012: Updated lab activity for 1 month
July 1, 2012: Updated lab activity for 1 month
June 5, 2012: Updated lab activity
June 1, 2012: Updated lab activity
April 6, 2012: Updated lab activity
April 1, 2012: Updated lab activity