The intriguing issues pertaining to the environmental preservation and energy crisis are more pertinent for Asian countries owing to the rapid population growth and fast economic development. In addition, Japan’s forte lies in advanced and reliable technology, which is indispensable for the widespread use of "Made in Japan" technology asindustrial products. On the other hand, to solve the environmental and energy problems surrounding the world, it is essential to have knowledge and awareness about these challenging issues to realize carbon neutrality on a global scale. Based on the experience of operating the Global Green Energy and Electronics Course (G2E2) adopted in FY2019, this program has been further developed to nurture vibrant and dynamic human resources to maintain a sustainable social economy and lead the world. This is an education and research program offered by the Department of Applied Bioengineering, Graduate School of Biomolecular Engineering of Kyushu Institute of Technology, which contributes to solving social problems related to the global environment and health. To provide more focus and in depth education on environmental issues, the English name for this course was changed to Global Education of Green Energy and Green Environment Course (GE3) (GE cubic course). The course aims to educate talented students from Southeast Asian countries, including Japan, to become global engineers who can realize a sustainable society with an awareness of decarbonization, circular economy, and green/sustainable transformation. Specifically, the program focuses on the creation and evaluation of printable photoelectric conversion devices with high environmental friendliness as the next generation energy harvesting technologies; research and development of functional materials and their application to electrochemical devices and organic electronic devices; construction of highly efficient and flexible power conversion systems and electric motor drive systems etc. The program also includes education and research related to "green energy and green electronics technologies," such as the development of power generation systems using renewable energy, the creation of devices with low environmental impact using new carbon based materials, and the utilization of carbon neutral technologies, such as environment friendly microbial pesticides that can replace chemical pesticides and CO2 recycling technologies using biomass. We will conduct education and research related to "green energy and green electronics technology" and "utilization of carbon neutral technology" such as environment friendly microbial pesticides that replace chemical pesticides and biomass CO2 recycling technology. In other words, this is an innovative program that allows students to learn about everything from energy creation and conversion to recycling technologies that regenerate energy.