


Contact Us

1-1 Sensuicho, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

グリーンマテリアル研究センターについて About Green Material Research Center


 To build a low-carbon society with a cycle from cradle to cradle,it is necessary to design materials that take into consideration everything from production to consumption by utilizing biomass, which is a material that nature nurtures.Centered on the members of the research unit of our university who have achieved research results on high value-added material development, technology development, function development, etc. by utilizing functional molecules for industrial waste materials and unused biomass,With the motto of returning the university seeds cultivated at the priority research center "Eco Town Demonstration Research Center" to society, we will add new collaborative researchers as members and create an environment from diverse perspectives and ideas that transcend national and field boundaries. We aim to be a global research center that works on solving problems from various angles.

環境にやさしい、自然と共生できる世界のために For an eco-friendly world that can coexist with nature 


 With「environment」as the keyword, we will develop innovative appropriate technology (appropriate technology) that will lead to future social implementation.
 To create a future that coexists with nature, we will disseminate technology for a global low-carbon society.While aiming to solve the global issues of environmental conservation and global warming, we will cooperate with researchers in Japan and overseas by utilizing overseas bases such as the Malaysia Satellite Campus MSSC, which is our overseas education and research base. Through collaboration, we aim to establish science that adapts to a cyclical society from multiple perspectives and to foster young researchers.

北九州市との連携  Cooperation with Kitakyushu City  

 九州工業大学安藤研究室/グリーンマテリアル研究センターは、竹林循環都市北九州の立ち上げを支援しています。 二酸化炭素固定材料として竹を有効活用し、循環資源として活用する取り組みを行う各団体や企業を横断的に繋ぎ、共に取り組んでいきます。
 竹林循環都市北九州のホームページ https://takepla-kitakyu.com

 Ando Laboratory/Green Materials Research Centre at the Kyushu Institute of Technology supports the launch of the Bamboo Forest Recycling City Kitakyushu.We are working together to connect organisations and companies working on the effective use of bamboo as a carbon dioxide fixation material and utilising it as a recyclable resource.
 Bamboo Forest Circulation City Kitakyushu website. https://takepla-kitakyu.com

おもな研究内容 Main research contents
  1. 気候変動 Climate change
  2. 海洋プラスチック Marine plastic
  3. マイクロプラスチック問題 Microplastic problem
  4. 未利用バイオマス Unused biomass
  5. プラスチックのようなセルロース成型体 Cellulose molded like plastic